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Black parts in 3D object

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:28 pm
by Nimphaea
Hi everybody!

I'm struggling again with something in my project...

I've made a character in Maya, which I imported as a object file. But some parts of my model are rendered black, instead of the color I gave them.

Does anybody know why this happens, and is it possible to solve this?

For screenshots, see this link:

The cap of the bear's head has to be all red, and the sweater has a cap which also has to be just red, but instead they are filled with black.

I hope this problem is a known issue and can be solved...

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:27 pm
by realsnake
Go to 3D layer properties and change edge offset value to zero or if u want to add a little more shade to your .obj file then change via edge color option(left side)

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:50 pm
by Nimphaea
Thanks for the reply!

I've tested many settings, but nothing helps. I can only get full black or completely red (with a value of 0).

I've put the settings at 0 now, and to get a black outline I used the drop shadow settings. But now I only get an outline around the shape, and no definition in the 3D object itself. I still wonder what causes this problem and how I could solve this.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:12 pm
by Rhoel
It sounds like the material layer is disconnected or missing completely - the object must have the colour mapped as a 'baked' image. I had a similar problem with a model from Blender.

Make sure the material image in the same location as the obj file and the .mtl file. Then open the .mtl file in a text editor like notepad and have a look at it - make sure the named material image is in the same folder, the names agree etc.

That should go a long way to fixing the problem.

Here is an example from the Blender tutorial I did:

The contents of my .mtl file looks like this
# Blender3D MTL File: moho_tut.blend
# Material Count: 1
newmtl Material_cube_map.tga.001
Ns 96.078431
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.704000 0.712000 0.584000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd cube_map.tga

My obj filename is: Blender_UVbox.obj
My mtl filename is: Blender_UVbox.mtl
My image map is : cube_map.tga

The tutorial is here but I just checked and discovered that I moved servers and forgot to update the new server with the images ... another job for a 'quiet' moment.
