Announcement: PapagayoMOD v1.1 (undo/redo, drag n drop, etc)

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Announcement: PapagayoMOD v1.1 (undo/redo, drag n drop, etc)

Post by nassosy »

Announcement: PapagayoMOD v1.3 (XSheet, Image export, etc)

(bug fixes and more) ... 6064#26064

Based on the source code of Papagayo v1.1

Phoneme Drag 'n Drop
Phoneme deletion with right-click
Excel file export
Ctrl-Space shortcut for Sound playback
Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-Y undo redo shortcuts

Uses a modified 'ThumbnailCtrl' module (which requires PIL),
'pyExcelerator-0.6.3a' for Excel file export
'reportlab 2.0' for PDF export (not yet complete)

The source code is a little messy but it works (for me at least)

Tested on Python 2.4, wxPython 2.6-ansi, WindowsXP.

I hope you like it.

Nassos Yiannopoulos

download it from here
(win32 binary) :
-----(download new version)-------

(source code wxPython):
-----(download new version)-------
Last edited by nassosy on Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: Greece

PapagayoMod v1.2

Post by nassosy »

:arrow: Added proportional resizing
(also removed the 'extended_dictionary' which I forgot in the previous posts)


Nassos Yiannopoulos :wink:

win32 binary:
-----(download the new version above)-------

-----(download the new version above)-------
Last edited by nassosy on Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:52 pm
Location: Switzerland - Suisse

Post by Dany »

Wow super!

But.. I ve some probleme to open old project... (bug than close papa)
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: Greece


Post by nassosy »

Could you be more specific please.
If you could post the project file, that might help even more.
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:52 pm
Location: Switzerland - Suisse

Post by Dany »

More specific? i boot papa mod and when i open my project, 3, 2, 1seconde and papa close...

Here you are:

lipsync version 1
Voice 1
Nous sommes fiere de repondre aux attentes de nos clients.|Le client appreciera la qualitee des services sur la base du travail que vous avez accomplie.|Nous voulons dans tout les cas maintenir la confiance des clients.|Il est donc essentiel que vous deniez le meilleur de vous meme lors de chaque service.
Nous sommes fiere de repondre aux attentes de nos clients.
Nous 13 16 2
13 MBP
15 U
sommes 17 22 3
17 etc
19 O
21 MBP
fiere 23 29 3
23 FV
25 I
27 E
de 30 32 2
30 etc
32 E
repondre 33 43 5
33 E
35 MBP
37 O
40 etc
42 E
aux 44 46 1
44 O
attentes 47 54 4
47 A
49 etc
51 E
53 etc
de 55 58 2
55 etc
57 E
nos 59 62 2
59 MBP
61 O
clients. 63 71 4
63 WQ
65 L
68 I
70 E
Le client appreciera la qualitee des services sur la base du travail que vous avez accomplie.
Le 86 89 2
86 L
88 EU
client 90 97 4
90 WQ
92 L
94 I
96 E
appreciera 98 110 6
98 A
100 MBP
102 E
105 I
107 E
109 A
la 111 113 1
111 L
qualitee 114 122 4
114 WQ
116 A
119 I
121 E
des 123 125 1
123 E
services 126 134 4
126 etc
128 E
131 FV
133 I
sur 135 137 1
135 U
la 138 139 1
138 A
base 140 144 2
140 MBP
143 A
du 145 147 1
145 U
travail 148 157 5
148 etc
150 A
152 FV
154 A
156 I
que 158 159 1
158 WQ
vous 160 163 2
160 FV
162 U
avez 164 169 3
164 A
166 FV
168 E
accomplie. 170 182 6
170 A
172 WQ
174 O
176 MBP
179 L
181 I
Nous voulons dans tout les cas maintenir la confiance des clients.
Nous 195 198 2
195 MBP
197 U
voulons 199 206 4
199 FV
201 U
203 L
205 O
dans 207 209 1
207 A
tout 210 214 2
210 etc
213 O
les 215 217 1
215 E
cas 218 224 2
218 WQ
220 A
maintenir 225 235 5
225 MBP
227 I
229 E
232 MBP
234 I
la 236 237 1
236 A
confiance 238 249 6
238 WQ
240 O
242 FV
244 I
246 A
248 etc
des 250 251 1
250 E
clients. 252 259 4
252 WQ
254 L
256 I
258 E
Il est donc essentiel que vous deniez le meilleur de vous meme lors de chaque service.
Il 270 272 1
270 I
est 273 274 1
273 E
donc 275 279 2
275 etc
278 O
essentiel 280 292 6
280 E
282 etc
284 E
286 etc
288 I
290 L
que 293 295 1
293 E
vous 296 298 1
296 U
deniez 299 305 3
299 E
301 etc
304 E
le 306 307 1
306 EU
meilleur 308 315 4
308 MBP
310 E
312 I
314 U
de 316 317 1
316 E
vous 318 321 2
318 FV
320 U
meme 322 328 3
322 MBP
324 E
327 MBP
lors 329 334 2
329 L
332 O
de 335 336 1
335 E
chaque 337 342 3
337 etc
339 A
341 WQ
service. 343 357 5
343 etc
346 E
349 FV
352 I
355 etc
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: Greece

Post by nassosy »

Are you using the win32 binary, or the python source code?

If you are using the win32 binary, check the folder(directory) for a log file named 'papagayo.log' (or 'papagayo.exe.log') and post it to the forum.
it is an error log of the application.

If you are using the source code what versions of Python and wxPython have you installed in your system?
Also post any error messages that appear in the python console window (dos prompt).

And BTW the papagayoMod crashes 3 seconds after you open the specific project you posted, or it crashes with all projects?

After starting papagayoMod how many times do you open a project file before it crashes?
The original papagayo v1.1, from which papagayoMod is based, had a bug that crashed the program after opening a second project.
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:52 pm
Location: Switzerland - Suisse

Post by Dany »

The specific project.
Ok, here you are:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 555, in OnUndo
File "LipsyncDoc.pyo", line 137, in undo
File "LipsyncDoc.pyo", line 131, in delete
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 546, in OnAppendUndo
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 541, in AppendUndo
AttributeError: 'MenuBar' object has no attribute 'EnableTool'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 546, in OnAppendUndo
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 541, in AppendUndo
AttributeError: 'MenuBar' object has no attribute 'EnableTool'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 546, in OnAppendUndo
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 541, in AppendUndo
AttributeError: 'MenuBar' object has no attribute 'EnableTool'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 660, in OnMouthChoice
File "ThumbnailCtrl.pyo", line 973, in ShowMouthSelection
File "wx\_gdi.pyo", line 615, in ConvertToImage
wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed in ..\..\src\msw\dib.cpp(148): wxDIB::Create(): invalid bitmap
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: Greece

Announcement: PapagayoMOD v1.3 (XSheet, Image export, etc)

Post by nassosy »

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