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option to not redraw layers

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:09 am
by spasmodic_cheese
just thought i'd make this more official to have perhaps a checkbox in layer options that makes a layer 'locked' to whatever is on frame 0 so when exported to swf only positions and scales n stuff are changed and not actually redrawn symbols every frame...

thus if i had a 4kb character, and exported to swf with some movement it would only be a few kb's larger (for movement data)

*ducks and hides from LM's temporary flash-induced rage*

If your willing to support this feature I will invest a further $250USD into moho right now!

please contact me or leave post here

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:45 pm
by Lost Marble
Sorry to make you think I've got some temporary Flash-induced rage - in fact, it's permament :wink: .

Well, good news for both of us. The good news for Lost Marble is that you can send us a check for $250 right now :D. The good news for you is that this feature is already included in Moho 5. It just works more automatically than what you described:

In Moho 5, you may have noticed that some vector layers in the Layers window have little red dots next to their icons. These dots indicate that a vector layer is "optimized for Flash". What that means is that its shapes will be exported a single time, and then only position/rotation data will be exported to move it around. It saves a LOT of filesize, and happens automatically.

The dot will go away if you do any of the following: point animation, bone movement (more on that later), 3D camera moves, 3D layer moves, and possibly a few other things (we'll be more specific in the updated manual). If you can avoid these things for a particular layer, then that layer will export much more efficiently.

If you really do need to use point animation (for example), consider breaking one layer into multiple layers. There may be parts of that layer that don't need point animation, and can remain optimized. For example, the face shape, nose, and hair of a character might be one layer, with the eyes and mouth another layer. If the head layer has only simple layer movement, it can be exported optimized, while the eyes and mouth move around in a more complex way.

Bones: since Flash doesn't understand bones, complex bone movement needs to be exported frame-by-frame, and can't generally be optimized. However, you can sometimes optimize bone movement. Instead of binding points to bones, if you attach the entire layer to a bone, that layer can still be optimized on export. The downside is that the shapes in that layer can't bend with bones, but must move as a rigid object attached to a single bone.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:18 am
by spasmodic_cheese
I shall send you the $250 anyway can you accept paypal ?

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:34 am
by Lost Marble
You're kidding, right? If not, then the best way to send us money is to buy more copies of Moho...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:56 am
by spasmodic_cheese
im not at all, its a brilliant program and i really would like to pay more for development. Ive been very impressed with moho 5.

Yeh but if I buy more copies of moho I have to go borrow my dads credit card and bleh, can element5 accept paypal? =)

(since with paypal i can access my bank account more readily)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:37 am
by Lost Marble
Sorry, but you can't buy Moho using PayPal. As much as I would encourage everyone in the world to buy a copy of Moho, I wouldn't feel right asking you to hand over extra cash. You're 18 years old and have $250 extra to spend - go out with your friends and pay for eveyone's dinner, go on a weekend trip, use it to pay for college, whatever. If you've already bought Moho (and upgraded to version 5 :wink: ), you don't owe use anything more.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:13 am
by spasmodic_cheese
well..fine then i'll buy more copies of moho then... for my future animation firm founded on moho

(i dont have any friends =P)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:52 am
by TheTallGuy
spasmodic_cheese wrote:(i dont have any friends =P)
I thought the really good animators didn't have *time* for friends? :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:59 am
by spasmodic_cheese
uhh yeh thats exactly what i meant!! :D