papagayo 2 outputs.

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papagayo 2 outputs.

Post by hayasidist »

Just had a quick play with vers 2 using just the "vista" audio - ... some observations:

the phonemes on screen are not the phonemes that end up in the .dat (the majority are as displayed, but there's a few that are not - notably the insertion of "rest") would be good to have them consistent and also have the "rest" shown on screen.

with the .wav at frame 1, the first phoneme in the file is "etc" at frame -1

when dragging the green "paragraph" text box, control Z doesn't undo this. This is a real pain if you grab it by mistake... it would be neat if the phoneme spacing was not reset to fill in the gaps.

I tried to work around this by putting "nnn" in the spoken text as filler over the pauses, then decided to delete those and split the "spoken text" into separate paragraphs to manage pauses; but then I crashed the program when editing the spoken text panel to make "hasta la vista" and "baby" two separate paragraphs.

I think someone has already said this, but: it would be **REALLY** useful to be able to "lock" sections of the soundtrack and associated phonemes so that a change to the written text of other sections (to get a better interpretation of phoneme - e.g. changing "baby" to "bay bee") didn't cause all the work (e.g. on "hasta ..") to be lost / reset.

In papagayo 1 there was the CMU dictionary plus a user dictionary in the rsrc folder... I can't find these in v2. How are (user-defined) words handled?
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