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Post by Brooke »

UPDATE 19/06/15

I have now found out that all of the problems I encountered where because I did not have Enable GPU Selected in 32 bit mode. So far everything appears to be functioning as it should.

UPDATE 18/06/15

OKAY THIS IS BEYOND A JOKE NOW!!! ASP 11 is crashing with just png's

I have uploaded a video to show the problem!!


Every time I import a .mov (in the x86 version 32 bit mode) the software crashes. The dreaded sorry anime studio pro is encountering a problem appears and than boom, its gone. I cant import .mov files in the as 64 bit mode version it will only display a torn .mov reference image.

I have turned the gpu settings off because this has always made the software crash regardless of how powerful my graphics card and processing power has been (on differing computers). This is getting really frustrating.

Is anyone else encountering this?
Are there any workarounds?

Last edited by Brooke on Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: AS 11 CRASH with .mov imports

Post by Víctor Paredes »

Could you share the mov you are trying to import?
I can't reproduce your problem.
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Re: AS 11 CRASH with .mov imports

Post by Brooke »

Thanks for responding Victor.
I cant post the video because I purchased it from videohive and I don't have the rights to do that.

I have found a way around it. I had to export my animation as a legacy file (although this initially also caused the program to constantly crash). From there I worked in ASP 10 32bit mode - no problem whatsoever.

Although this workaround sorted the problem it was only because I hadn't used any of the latest features in ASP 11. If I had made use of the ASP 11 features there would have been no work around whatsoever! This is not good.

The alpha mov file works fine and doesnt crash ASP 11 when I open a new document, then import the movie with no other layers or animation everything is fine. But when I have a scene set up, or add more layers and then attempt to import the mov file......crash.
Even when I try a workaround of importing the .mov file in the 64bit mode. Then relaunch in 32bit mode - yes the file is there but if I just touch that layer in the panel or attempt to rescale or move the file .....crash!

I have contacted Smith Micro and will await their response. If they cant recreate the problem I will probably make a video using screen capture to show it better.

Thanks for responding though :D
Last edited by Brooke on Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Brooke »

Just put up a video update on the problem. Is anyone else experiencing this?
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Post by neeters_guy »

It's possible the mov files you're trying to import uses a codec not supported by your version of QT. It's hard to say without knowing your system setup. I'd start by playing the file in a QT player; info will tell you what codec was used. Check which version of QT you have installed, you may need to update. QT may be corrupted, try uninstall and reinstall. These are things I might try to fix the problem.
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Post by Brooke »

Thanks neeters_guy

But the same quicktime worked and rendered out fine in AS10. Also, it's not just restricted to quicktime. In my video I highlight how the document has no quicktime, just pngs and referenced layers and the exact same thing is happening. Even when just attempting to export.

But thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.
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Post by synthsin75 »

Eventually, you're probably going to need to share a file for someone else to duplicate the problem. Whether you submit the issue to SM support or PM a beta tester here with a link, that would be the only way to find out if the problem is specific to your system.
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Post by Brooke »

synthsin75 thanks for the response

Yeah I have already been asked to submit my file. But as much as I am appreciative of the assistance I feel like that isn't very plausible for multiple reasons.

1. I cant make a copy of Anime Studio pro, and then pass it on to a friend. Yet I am expected to pass on work files ?? Fully assembled characters, audio and images, in a gathered data zip file....erm sorry I can't see that happening. For the purpose of what (is my problem going to get fixed overnight?), if I was beta testing I might not have a problem with that - but this is a purchased product, there wasn't even an option to try before you buy.

2. This is not a problem with the codec, or quicktime. It renders out and doesn't crash in Anime Studio Pro 10. I have even unistalled AS 11 and reinstalled. I have uninstalled the latest version of quicktime and installed a later version. It still happens. There must be some conflict in the coding in the software, I'm not technical maybe it's one of those .dll things. Maybe they need to look at the code they wrote for the AS10 rendering compared to AS11. Maybe it's these new compressed files (that we have no option to turn on or off) - seeing as AS10 doesn't use this.

3. I have already had more than enough time eaten into having the software continually crash, then trying to think and test out workarounds. Then make a video showing the problem at hand. Now I'm expected to hand over my files. Seems like I'm doing all the work.

4. This is not the only bug I have encountered. My software also crashed when I had a shape change from one colour to another. Again in 32 bit mode. 64 bit mode is more stable but I cant render out in quicktime, nor can I view any quicktime video that is imported on the stage. I don't want to render out huge files in avi format. For all I know that may not even work as I haven't even put it to the test yet. I also don't want to have to continually export as png images because then I have to reconfigure the audio in a 3rd party software. Also there is a bug with my timeline, it doesn't just stick to auto when set, I have to scroll through endless channels! - These are just some of the bugs i have experienced in a short time, how many more will surface.

5. I cant even make an AS11 file into a legacy file if it has any referenced layers. If I attempt to in 32 bit mode the software crashes. I have to go into 64 bit mode, break all the layer links and then save. - It's all so tedious.

Now being asked to submit files feels like it's taking the biscuit!!! Surely submitting recordings is valid. Smith Micro should have been doing the testing... not me!! I don't even push this software to it's limits, I'm just doing very uncomplicated animating. No textures, no poser models, not hundreds of layers or overly complicated rigs.

I don't intend to come across so negatively, but this is really grating on me now! The referenced layers were really saving me time, but this has undone everything. I cant use this software - the only workaround I can do is to just use AS10. I cant utilise any of the new features in fear of the file being useless, not rendering out or crashing.

In one day I have only now managed to workaround this issue, after exhausting every which way I have reverted back to using AS10.

I contacted Smith Micro by email -and their response didn't bare any relation nor offer any suggestions or resolution to my main query/issues.
I'm hoping it can be rectified but I cant see how. How long does it usually take for patches/updates to happen?
I really think I need a refund. I only bought this software for the layer referencing alone, and now I cant even use it... I'm actually really upset now.

It cant be my computer either, my computer isn't even a year old.
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Post by synthsin75 »

There's little anyone can do if no one can duplicate the problem. We can only assume it has something to do with your computer. SM support doesn't necessarily do actual work in AS, which is why I suggest a beta tester. Both are use to working under NDAs and can be trusted to keep your work confidential. No one knows, but it could very well be that your problem could have a simple solution. For instance, if it turns out to be your system, it could be as little as adjusting some graphics card settings. (As I recently found out myself, on my own system.)

As a little tip though, most professionals do render out to image sequence and composite with audio in a NLE. This makes it easier to rerender small segments of animation that are changed.

Recording will simply never eliminate the variable of your system. Until that is done and the problem is duplicated on another system, it would be hard for any developer to take your problems seriously. They have to prioritize the problems they have enough info on to actually tackle. It's just the pragmatic nature of programming. They could work for days trying to duplicate what they think you may have going on in a file and never be any closer to duplicating it.

I know that's not what you want to hear, and I can understand your reticence to sharing work files. Can you remove enough assets from the file to both demonstrate the "bug" and protect the bulk of your original work? Maybe substitute the images and audio and delete the vectors. If nothing else, this step may illuminate some possible causes for any bug.
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Post by Brooke »

Everyone thanks for all of your feedback and assistance.

Without sounding overly dramatic I am really worn out by it now. It's 2:20am (uk) now and I've been working on this since 9am yesterday - so I think its's a case of over exposure :D

I'm gonna sleep on it all. And look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow.

I have a feeling I will just stick to AS10. And possibly try AS11 when patches come out, as I am now already several days behind with work that I need to make up. Giving AS11 anymore of my time will prove fruitless.

But once again thanks for your help. I appreciate the support that I have received here on this forum :D

Have a great day
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