Effect Image Texture Global Scale ?

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Effect Image Texture Global Scale ?

Post by martin_mrt »

Hey there!

Im searching a solution for the following situation:
There are a few different objects in a MOHO scene with different sizes. Rendered out they are our color pass.

now for compositing we want to create a second pass with textures. The texture is applied via "image texture" effect. (seamless texture, tile)

Now the problem is that all the textures are scaled individualls by size of the object. it would be super cool to apply them with a global scale.
The images showen depict a simple situation. I intend to use this with a charachter, the texture should cover a certain area which is made up of various objects controlled by different bones. Im applying the texture through a style.

Is there a way to apply the texture with a global scale? maybe through a script?
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