Rotate to Face to Camera and 3D Layers Problem

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Rai López
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Rotate to Face to Camera and 3D Layers Problem

Post by Rai López »

When I active this function in a 3D layer that is inside of a Group Layer and I Orbit Camera or something lik this, the 3D object DISSAPEAR; when 3D Layer is inside a Bone Group Layer the 3D object experiment weird changes, seems how if the 3D object become flat and reverse... Is this so for some reason, or is it a bug? I'm not sure and I've puted this post here instead in Bug Reports, BYE!
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Lost Marble
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Post by Lost Marble »

The flattening effect with bone layers will be fixed in the next update. (It also affects image layers - that will be fixed too.) In the meantime, you can get around it by double-clicking the 3D layer in the Layers window to bring up the Layer Settings dialog. Go to the 3D Options tab and turn off "Warp using bones".

As far as the other issue - the 3D layer disappearing when inside a group layer, can you send an example of this to