Translate points auto-weld quit working

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Translate points auto-weld quit working

Post by synthsin75 »

Okay, I've got a pretty point heavy face. I've been vector tracing it using add point and translate point tools(standard ASP install), toggling the auto-weld of both often. I'm almost done and then the translate points auto-weld quits working. I can add more points and they auto-weld fine, and new points can trans point auto-weld.
I don't know if this is a bug. I'm only working on one vector layer, with no shapes or outlines, as yet. Is there a manual way of welding points without deleting points and just reworking the area? Like I said it's pretty point heavy.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Nevermind, I'm being a bit dense today. I just realized that at least one of the weld points must be an end point.
Last edited by synthsin75 on Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by heyvern »

Auto weld only works for "end" points.

If you use the custom translate point tool from Fazek you can select ANY two points and hit the space bar to weld them. This is a real time saver.

Here's the problem I have:

I use Fazek's custom tool but when I copy/paste it defaults to the AS translate point tool which has different features. I have to switch back to the custom tool to do other things. (I only keep the AS translate point tool for SHIFT translation to constrain the movement since Fazek's tool can't do this... yet. ;) )

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Post by synthsin75 »

Yeah, I was just being dense. I've installed Fazek's tools, but now I'm having a problem with the tools panel not responding. Seems to have something to do with switching tools.
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Post by heyvern »

Here is the problem I have. It may be related to yours:

The translate point tool is the "default" tool. When copying/pasting points this tool will be selected IF IT IS THERE! Automatically switching to this tool is "built in" to the application. As long as the "lm_translate_points" tool is in the scripts/tools folder it is the default after pasting.

I added fazek's translate point tool but I changed my shortcut keys so that pressing "T" selects this NEW translate point tool instead of the default tool. I need that old original tool for shift constraining. I still have that darn problem when pasting points it switches back to the original tool even though the shortcut has been changed.

5 minutes later

Okay... I am an idiot. Fazek's translate point tool HAS a constraint modifier... it isn't shift though... it is the Command key. D'oh! :oops: I can't remembr if I added that to my copy or if it was in there all along. I remember trying to do this once in the past.

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Post by synthsin75 »

I may have the wrong version of Fazek's utility. I'll mess with it later. I'm trying to sacrifice know for doing at this point.
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