Anyone interested in a Discord?

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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by SuperSGL »

I just checked my gmail and I still get notifications.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by chucky »

The Moho Show Discord is already there somewhere.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by Greenlaw »

SuperSGL wrote: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:15 pm I just checked my gmail and I still get notifications.
Yes, notification now works here too. I think they started up again after Lost Marble officially took over Moho at the beginning of the year.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by SimplSam »

striker2311 wrote: Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:43 pm Yeah it's nice...
I can agree on creating it even if it won't be as lively as this forum...
So what's the update is there a discord server???
If not can i create one???
There is a Moho Creators discord at: ...
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by striker2311 »

SimplSam wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:24 am
striker2311 wrote: Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:43 pm Yeah it's nice...
I can agree on creating it even if it won't be as lively as this forum...
So what's the update is there a discord server???
If not can i create one???
There is a Moho Creators discord at: ...
Thanks for this :D
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by pihms »

Nice idea, though, since this forum is already owned by the creators of Moho it most likely won't go away. It probably would only go away if Moho was no more. Also, since there seems to be a discord for Moho anyway I would tend to go that direction. But you never know, somethings will get started and people gravitate to it. I'm already split between many other connections, I would prefer to stay within a group that I know and has a good standing with the content as well as sharing.

On the other topic, I haven't been getting notices as well... hmm.... I probably should check that box on the bottom of this page that says "Notify me when a reply is posted". :D I'm also noticing, maybe it's just me, the forum seems to have had some updates recently to the way it works.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by JoelMayer »

I'm VERY interested in a Discord but i think it should come from the devs themselves to be more official. I barely use Forums anymore these days and for pretty much every software i use there's a Discord server with a help channel where i can get quick and easy feedback. It's also super nice to quickly and easily share what you're working on and just more conversational in general.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by heyvern »

Like others have said, you are completely free to start a Moho Discord server on your own. Maybe if it becomes hugely popular Lostmarble can take it over or endorse it.

Just a few points:

This forum is VERY VERY OLD
like what... 10 years? 20 years? Has it been that long? I can't remember when it started. God DAMN I'M OLD ...ish! And it has worked fantastically for all that time and it's probably very affordable to maintain it and Lostmarble OWNS EVERY PART OF THIS FORUM TOP TO BOTTOM. I think it's best left up to the developers of Moho and the people who run the forum to research and decide if they want to endorse or participate in a Discord server for Moho.

Discord attracts trouble makers! GET OFF MY LAWN YOU DAMN KIDS!
Discord is a huge "community of communities" and so attracts "vandals", morons who sign up for a community just to destroy it for fun, doing donuts in the yard, graffiti on the garage doors. Discord has been working on that issue but their fast growth and popularity attracts those types and always will.

Discord is "relatively new-ish"
It's not been around a "really really" long time so might be a fad, who knows what's going to happen to it (Microsoft tried to buy it but was turned down). I would hate to see Lostmarble jump on the bandwagon of the "hot new thing" just to see it as wasted effort and resources. And the forum has been running PERFECTLY for so many years... well perfectly is relative but you know what I mean. :D

Discord is monetized
Not sure how that will play out but some Discord features are only available to users or servers who "pay" for them, either through "boosts" from users on a monthly fee or just paying outright for "extras". Not clear to me who pays what or how that works or who OWNS THE CONTENT. I just see that as a waste of resources both for the Moho users and to the developers.

Finally, it could split the community and the resources here. Of course if it turns out that Discord is really really really cool and great then belonging to both could be a good thing, however it's always a PIA to have multiple "Official Forums" to figure out where to go for something. Most people won't post the same thing in multiple locations so we would have to go "there" for something, "here" for the other thing. I am sure there are other Moho communities around right now, I just don't know about them.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by rafael »

I think the forum and Discord serve two different functions.

The forum is the main hub of knowledge. The 'Library of Alexandria' for Moho. You come here to stay informed, get guidance from the Moho elders, and ask which button you click to make a 3 hour anime.

The discord is like a cafe. You can chat with people in real-time, get quick solutions to fiddly little problems, and get feedback on the first second of your anime.

Personally, I'm enjoying the Discord. There's not a lot of action in there currently, but it's cool to know that someone from our small community could just be a click away. Another positive of the Discord is that it can act as a sort of filter for the forum. Can't get an answer to your question on the Discord? Maybe it's something worth creating a post about. If someone gives you a quick answer, it's overwhelmingly likely that the question has been asked, and answered on the forum several times before.

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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by SuperSGL »

I just wish there was a better search engine here. When you have something specific to ask it's hard to find using search. example I just used export preview range in a search and I get all the comments with the word export and all the posts with preview. I even tried the + symbol but did nothing. I've probably asked the same question when a new version of Moho comes out :lol: Luckily there are some very wise and patient experts of the program here and I've always got a quick response.

I also agree with heyvern that it could bring riffraff to the discord especially in today's world ( I'm Old...ish as well ) If that starts to happen I'm out! One would hope that it wouldn't but even here there has been little annoyances from time to time. A lot of it is reading a critique and someone will think your slamming them and get mad thinking your being rude. It's called honesty there just trying to help :roll:
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by SimplSam »

SuperSGL wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:34 pm I just wish there was a better search engine here. When you have something specific to ask it's hard to find using search. ...
For the most-part I find the internal search great, but you can also use Google etc. (a few days aged) for tighter searches:

export preview range
"export preview range"
"random word" preview range
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by heyvern »

Okay I spoke too soon! I talked to a coworker and just randomly asked if they knew anything about Discord and he told me he loves it and uses it everyday for bunches of different things and it's awesome. After explaining everything you can do with it and all the features and the fact that IT IS completely FREE unless you want to pay for some extras, I have decided I would definitely sign up and hang out on a Lostmarble/Moho Discord server.

p.s. One of things about the forum that is just a wee bit disappointing is not having any way to upload images so they are "here" and won't vanish. Video not an issue because youtube and vimeo make more sense. I know there are other "free" image storage sites, but look what happened to "tinypic", all those images POOF! gone when it shut down.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by JoelMayer »

Discord is honestly the best thing ever. I don't have to visit 200 separate forums anymore where i don't remember my password. Instead i have all my software channels neatly in the same app. When i have a problem or want to see what's new, i just click on the channel and voilà. The Toon Boom forum is already more or less dead since everything moved to their Discord. I am in channels for TB, Blender, Adobe, different game engines, etc. etc. It's super easy to get quick help whenever you have a problem and it's also much more immediate and easy to share WIP. In my experience, Discord servers are MORE active than forums and makes for a tighter community. Plus it would attract a lot of new users as well.

As for archives, that's the great thing about it: you could i.e. make a separate room for scripts and pin them all in there. Still much more convenient than clicking through pages worth of slow loading forum topics to see what's there. Also it's much easier to get in touch with script-developers if needed.

As for riff-raff, that can happen anywhere and is also a question of moderation but in software channels i haven't seen much yet. TBF i've seen the occasional salt on this forum just as much but that's about the extent you can expect from a Discord as well.

I'm not THAT young anymore either but i'm always open for new and better things and I much prefer Discord over any forum. And it really DOES help to actively grow a community, which can't hurt Moho either. This Forum, as nice as it is, just looks like something from the early 2000's (because that's what it is :P )
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by cgrotke »

Not a fan of Discord. Using it for a current project and it is clunky, weird, and has trouble loading in current browsers. (Each time I go to the page, it hangs on "tool tips" forcing a reload.) I'm only using it because I have to, and will drop it when the project is over.

I am using Discourse for another forum and enjoy that... I like the way replies are handled with a timeline.

I like this forum, though. I'm always learning things - especially getting answers to questions I didn't know I had. And I like that it goes back forever. The history is important.
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Re: Anyone interested in a Discord?

Post by Greenlaw »

My, this is a divisive topic, isn't it? :)

I'm kinda in the 'meh' camp about Discord but I can still understand the appeal. I agree with Rafael that a forum like Lost Marble and a chat system like Discord serve two different purposes, but with some obvious overlap.

A forum is (or can be, anyway,) more deliberative and wordy. It's more like a room full of people making speeches and sharing what they know in detail. (Maybe too much, in some cases.) :wink:

Discord is immediately responsive and concise when all the participants are present, it's closer to having a actual in-person conversation.

I prefer the forum format because I really enjoy putting my thoughts together in a post, and that usually requires more thought and editing before I click that send button. For me, a forum is a great resource of information, a place for me to share my own ideas, and not least of all, a place to practice my writing skills.

With Discord, I always take way too long to respond, and when I do, the conversation has already moved on. The format just doesn't suit me. I mainly use Discord in beta testing groups (for other software,) and I always find it frustrating to look for past information that I know is buried somewhere in there. This is less of a problem in a forum search, which is usually better organized. (Although, I agree that LMF's search could be better. Maybe if we had a tagging option?)

On the other hand, when I watch my child interact with her friends in Discord, it's very fast paced and exciting. They're exchanging a lot more than just text and images, and there's a lot of riffing on each others idea. It seems to suite their personalities very well.

Maybe it's a generational thing?

Anyway, I just wanted to share my thoughts. Getting an official Moho Discord going is fine, but I can't say I'll want to participate in it very regularly.
Last edited by Greenlaw on Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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