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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:33 am
by Freakish Kid
Postality wrote:Head turning has been something that has plagued most of the people on the forums, maybe you can show us the technique you use to achieve it in moho.

Maybe a sample moho file would surfice...
We'll be putting together a 'works in progress' thread on our next production. I'll make sure we cover a head turning section in it.
DK wrote:My hand is up for a sample Moho file too please. Your work is amazing.
Thanks DK. We'll look into making a file especially for our 'works in progress' thread.
Inkling_Studio wrote:Your work is amazing and really shows what Moho in the hands of great animators is capable of .

I hope you will keep up the 'works-in-progress' postings or maybe start a blog about the production of your 65 minute feature.
Thanks for your Kind words Inkling, there will be a blog starting very soon that covers everything the studio is doing. I'll put a link in as soon as its up and running.
bupaje wrote:Probably said it before but great work. Just saw the bunny one with my wife and child and they loved it as well.
heheh... Fun for the whole family! Glad you liked it bupaje.
J.Baker wrote:Hmm, seems like the latest "QuickTime Alternative" won't play this.

EDIT: That was pretty cool. Very nice work!
There's been a few problems with the Quicktime thing. Hopefully they should be sorted out today.

I see you found a way to view it! glad you liked it!

I just like to take this opportunity once again to thank everyones kind words about our work. It really does make it worth while.

As soon as the new production starts we'll get that thread up and running!!


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:13 pm
by Postality
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to look this bad?... HUH?"

I love this 60 second animation, LOL.

Yes a head turning moho file would help everyone here I believe.

I'm currently working on a 60 second section of pulp fiction.

I'm not sure how long it will take, but I've got the lip sync done for the 3 characters in about 20 minutes.

I'll showcase this as my lip sync example when I get it completed.

For those of you that know the movie pulp fiction, it's the scene where vincent shoot marcus in the face while they're driving the car. This clip will be rated R so it's not for the kids. :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:23 pm
by Freakish Kid
Postality wrote:"Do you have any idea how hard it is to look this bad?... HUH?"

I love this 60 second animation, LOL.
Beatbox is my favourite character in that show. He's loud and offensive and thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!

He is, in his own words, The Juggernaut of Jive!

You can check out all about that show and 2 more at our online project.

There are some articles on the production of that very scene (which is my favourite scene in the episode!)


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:31 pm
by Agent
GreyKid Pictures, are you hungarian?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:41 am
by Freakish Kid
Agent wrote:GreyKid Pictures, are you hungarian?
Hi Agent,

No I'm not. I'm an English man that has been living in Budapest for the past 6 years.

I have an animation studio here with Hungarian artists/animators.


Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:14 am
by Agent

Keep up the good work. I've seen this Unicum tv commercial many times and i never thought it was made with Moho.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:51 am
by Patmals
Greykid and co.,

EXCELLENT work people!!

I was blown away with what you guys have acheived with Moho / Anime Studio!

I showed my Japanese girlfriend your bunnylove animation - and she loved it (she adores anything cute! Would that include me? haha)

Anyway, please keep up the good work guys!

I would love to learn some of the company's 'inner secrets' on how you achieve such jaw-dropping work..

If i hadn't known better, i would have thought they were traditionally done animation on 1's!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:22 pm
by spoooze!
Hey Greykid,
I've always loved your work. The feature you are making is looking great!
Can't wait to see it all!
It definantly proved how powerful Moho can be in the hands of pros :D
James 8)

Yes, I was on the AWN forums.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:44 pm
by Mikdog guys are officially my heroes.

*Gasp* I love your work, man.

I've just seen 5 seconds of the BUNNY LOVE clip, watch me as I plough through ALL your work on your site.

Very, very cool. This makes me very happy.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:39 pm
by Freakish Kid
Sorry for the delay in replying, the studio is extremely busy at the moment!

Anyway here goes...
Patmals wrote:Greykid and co.,

EXCELLENT work people!!

I was blown away with what you guys have acheived with Moho / Anime Studio!
Thanks Patmals thats very kind of you to say.
I would love to learn some of the company's 'inner secrets' on how you achieve such jaw-dropping work..

If i hadn't known better, i would have thought they were traditionally done animation on 1's!
We're in the process of something very special with e-frontier, it's all being discussed at the moment but if it comes to fruition you guys will go absolutely nuts, good things lay ahead for the Moho/Anime Studio community!

We started with Moho cause Flash didn't give us the creative freedom that traditional animation gives you, we are all long time traditional animators so we just applied our expierience to the software. We approach every project from a traditional viewpoint so it resembles it as much as possible.

We're about to start work on a very interesting project that will see us match Moho animation with a 3d character, fully interact with hand drawn animation and vfx. These are the challanges we thrive on, to do what people say cannot be done.
spoooze! wrote:Hey Greykid, I've always loved your work. The feature you are making is looking great! Can't wait to see it all! It definantly proved how powerful Moho can be in the hands of pros.
Thanks James, and thanks for your kind words on the AWN Forum, it really means a lot to us to have the community behind our work!

We have some interesting news, we're editing a short reel of the movie footage at the moment, we'll be posting it online in a week or so.
Mikdog guys are officially my heroes. *Gasp* I love your work, man. I've just seen 5 seconds of the BUNNY LOVE clip, watch me as I plough through ALL your work on your site. Very, very cool. This makes me very happy.
Thanks Mikdog, as we said above good things lay ahead!


I don't know about that we don't really do anything heroic but it's very flattering of you to say it.

I can rest easy tonight now that I know we made someone in the world happy!

There should be more work going online in the coming months. Stay tuned guys!!!


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:42 am
by Patmals
Hi again Greykid and co.!

Thank youi for your response!

I cannot wait to see what you and the e-frontier guys have in store for us :)

I love traditional animation and the way you make it look traditional yet so smooth is totally inspiring indeed!

Good luck with your future work and your demonstation of the talents and the power of Anime Studio!


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:56 pm
by Beatbox
SOME FUNKY STUFF, Have a look at the youtube site to see more greykid stuff, real great

This is the psp animation
This is a TEST ANIMATION very exclusive[/url]

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:16 am
by Amets
Hi Greykid and co., first of all congratulations for all your work, like everyone has said it's really trully inspiring, keep it up.

I wanted to ask you something about "La Reine Soleil". How did you make the characters and the background? I suppose you used another program to make the characters, maybe another one for the background and then you mixed it all down in moho. If that's the case: What program did you use to create the character models? And the background?

I'm asking you this because I'm actually looking forward to making these kind of animations, that's why I'd appreciate it if you could answer me these questions.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:46 pm
by Freakish Kid
Amets wrote:Hi Greykid and co., first of all congratulations for all your work, like everyone has said it's really trully inspiring, keep it up.

I wanted to ask you something about "La Reine Soleil". How did you make the characters and the background? I suppose you used another program to make the characters, maybe another one for the background and then you mixed it all down in moho. If that's the case: What program did you use to create the character models? And the background?

I'm asking you this because I'm actually looking forward to making these kind of animations, that's why I'd appreciate it if you could answer me these questions.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Amets,

The backgrounds were produced in Photoshop.

All the models were built in Moho.

It's all vector based.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:48 pm
by AllenC
All the models were built in Moho.
Impressive, INDEED! Your studio has certainly set a high standard. Thank you all.
