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Select colored keyframes

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:03 am
by ulrik
I noticed today, when I tried to time shift my lip-sync keyframes, among hundreds of other keyframes, how difficult it was to accomplish. I had colored the keyframes for the lip-sync blue so it was easy to spot them, but it was difficult to select them all together and not selecting other key's by mistake.
Would it not be handy to be able to select keys by the color of them?
I vote for an option to "select key frames by color" for instance, you right click on a key frame in the time line and get the option "select all keyframes of the same color", and if you want it to develop in to more options why not: "select all keyframes with step interpolation" or "select keyframes from here to frame 40, 167 etc.. you can make a long list :)
Now when I'm on to it, I also vote for an option to see all keyframes from all layers and all channels on the same timeline, and maybe an option to "show only green colored, or red colored, or bone rotation or.....
Showing all keys on the same timeline would be sooo cool, like when to edit "actions", smartbone actions etc, where you have keys on different channels and on different layers....I would love to have that possibility. :D

Re: Select colored keyframes

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:29 am
by chucky
Good ideas Ulrik :D