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2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:54 am
by ianmage1
I made a new demo reel of everything I made this year. This time, I included some screen captures of my work space.

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:21 pm
by Danimal
Nice choice of music, it compliments the demo well. Everything looks great and the interspersed shots of you actually creating the animations add a cool layer of depth to this. Good job!

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:32 pm
by bhargavmedhi
I agree with Danimal. That's a superb presentation.

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:38 pm
by sargumphigaus
Sir, you got some serious style going on here. Excellent grip on the program, keep it up man. keep it up.

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:37 am
by lwaxana
It's beautiful and really impressive, especially that you did all of it in one year!

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:35 am
by drichird
Amazing! There is almost too much here to do justice for with just a forum post, since it represents a summary of a year's hard work. I thought your demo real was excellent and beautiful, and agree with Danimal re your very cool trick of mixing in some "..the making of.." shots with the AS interface. I like your artistic style very much. sargumphigaus put it well!

You are quite skilled with fluid/particle effects or whatever technique you are using for the fire(place), snow flakes, torches, and the lady's pole leaving fire swirls in the water at 3:55. You are great with the camera, I especially like the segment starting at 1:23 with the camera panning across all the snow trees (great work on those trees!) and zooming into the eagle's eyes. Followed by amazing meteor shower.

A couple areas for possible enhancement that I saw were: torches at 3:36 burn "too fast" (like rockets) if they are just regular flames, and a few of the character's limb motions and facial expressions might be developed a bit more. This of course can get tricky, because IMO your artistic style does lend itself to understated rather than overstated.

I can't wait to see your "WhiteLand" feature it will be super! You know how to create a visually captivating world.

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:03 am
by ianmage1
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. 2013 was, by far, the most exciting year for me as an animator. I learned so much from this forum.

Re: 2013 Demo Reel

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:19 am
by Lumpy
I mean... wow. Just beautiful. Very good grasp on the program, and a lot of truly memorable technical shots, such as when the beast was looking beside the tree - I love those kinds of shots. This was extremely impressive. I'll be watching you.