Length Limits

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Length Limits

Post by orsongalore »

About to start work on a fairly involved cartoon that's about 10 minutes long. Is Moho like Papagayo where there are limits to the amount of frames or are there reasons I should do this in smaller chunks rather than one big file?
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Re: Length Limits

Post by dueyftw »

Small shots is much better. You can change characters and background with out overloading the program. Just because it not visible it still taking resources. Small files render faster. Easier to edit. And if there is a problem, crash or other, you don't lose that much.

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Re: Length Limits

Post by hayasidist »

I have to agree with Dale! This (2m 20sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2g1o3a3tCw is about 50 moho files plus a few PS and audio assets. Assets which appear in several shots are in my library and are imported by reference. I usually treat dialogue (there's none in that example tho') in much the same way - it can be recorded "whole" then broken up into fragments for each shot and processed by Papagayo (if that's what you choose) [I always have different voices in different files.]

for me the key is the planning -- if you want a talking head for 30 secs with only minimal camera movement then that's one shot; similarly dialogue: if that's 30 seconds with 3 basic shots: a 2shot and 2 over-the-shoulder shots - but these are intercut at (say) an average of 2 secs then that's 3 moho files each with JUST the lines relevant to that shot - the (silent) output from the 3 moho files plus the 2 audio files (plus any soundscape stuff) is fed into a video editor.
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