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Viewport Playback Performance Enhancements…

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 6:50 am
by arglborps
Improving performance of on screen redraws and real-time playback of the timeline by using acceleration APIs is one thing, but I found there's a cheesy trick on macOS that can massively improve performance (if you're using a highres 4k monitor). Just select the app in the Finder, hit ⌘ + I for the info dialog. And check "Open in Low Resolution". Yes that will make the whole app run as a non-retina app and the menus and text will look blurry, but the playback of the timeline will be super butter smooth.


Now here comes the feature request

It would be nice to have something like Apple Motion has, i.e. for the viewport several options to gracefully degrade detail to improve real-time playback performance. That way you could get the benefit of a lowres viewport (where it's often more important to have smooth playback to judge motion than to have hires graphics), with the user interface still being sharp and readable.

Something like this:


Re: Viewport Playback Performance Enhancements…

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 7:49 am
by Lukas
Absolutely, being able to lower the resolution of the viewport is a great feature request. I also use lower resolution mode, because it is SO much faster, but the GUI in lower resolution is straining my eyes.

In the bottom right of the viewport is a "Display Quality" menu, but the only thing that speeds up the framerate for me is disabling brushes. (Images speeds it up too, but I almost always need to see them to judge the animation)

Re: Viewport Playback Performance Enhancements…

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 8:03 am
by arglborps
Same here.
None of the options in the Display Quality menu has any tangible impact on viewport playback performance.

The only thing I'm using the Display Quality menu for is to switch off fills to see all the shapes, like an x-ray mode.

Re: Viewport Playback Performance Enhancements…

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:31 am
by davoodice2
it must be Multithreading to faster veiwport
as you can see moho use just 1 core in veiwport.
for better performance , disable hyper threading in mainboard settings.