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Only one Curver layer at a time?

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:27 am
by SuperSGL
I was testing the Curver layer on some text. I used the compression first, then I copied the text and tried to add the regular Curver Layer to see the difference. The Curver layer was greyed out. I tried moving it out of the same group with the curver layer but still greyed out. While I was typing this I did another test and just created a new text layer (must be converted to Vector) and I was able to add the curver layer to that. The copy must keep the connection to the original curver layer or something. Anyway It does a pretty decent job with text I'm sure different results depending on the type of font your using. The compression seems a bit better results although smoother curves with the regular curver but can skew the letters on the higher points of the curve.

Re: Only one Curver layer at a time?

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:35 am
by synthsin75
If you go into the text layer vector settings and remove the original curver, like you would a smart mesh, then it will let you create a new curver from the menu.

Re: Only one Curver layer at a time?

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:23 pm
by hayasidist
you can have multiple curver elements in one curver layer. Each droplet here has its own curver "line". Just to add to the fun, each droplet is an "add" mode to the base shape which has an animated gradient.

Re: Only one Curver layer at a time?

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:34 am
by Jiyahana
Hey hi, You can only apply one Curver layer at a time. When you copy text with a Curver layer applied, it maintains a connection to the original layer, preventing you from adding another Curver layer.

Re: Only one Curver layer at a time?

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:19 pm
by Greenlaw
It's possible to add a Curver layer to deform another Curver layer.

Also, you can have many Curver splines inside a single Curver layer.

For example...


In the above, the two 'tiger arms' are inside a single image layer, and I have a Curver layer with two splines to deform the image. Then, I have a second Curver layer deforming the first Curver layer. Between these two methods, you should be able to do what you need.

So, Curver is a system. :)

And, of course, I can use bones to add an additional layer of deformation to the Curver layer. (Not demoed here, but there are plenty of videos showing how on YouTube.)

FYI, while Curver is awesome for many things, I prefer using Moho's Sketch Bones tool to animate things like a tail on a character. I find it easier to animate natural wave movements this way.

Hope this helps.