bones and their influence (weights)

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bones and their influence (weights)

Post by bellissimo »

It seems as if the influence of a bone is either 0% or 100% on any points that are assigned to that particular bone.
Is there a way to control the influence of a bone(so a point has 50% weight for which case it would only move half the distance of a point that had a 100% weight).
This is extremely useful in setting up joints or bending arm and leg situations)
In my 3d programs I can create a weight map that controls how much influence a bone has on the there a way to do this in moho?

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Post by 7feet »

So you're saying that the bone strength doesn't have the affect you're expecting? Using it with flexi-binding, I have found it to be effective, even if I sometimes don't much like the results. With region binding, it gets much more particular. I've never seen a 0 or 100% situation myself, and an example file would be good.

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controlling bone strenghth

Post by bellissimo »

I guess the question(to be even more specific) is....
is it possible to control bone strenghth for a specific point?
THat is to it possible to assign a variable weight(eg..1-100) to a specific point or set of points
(for a given bone)which determines how much influence that bone has on that point(or set of points).If your not familiar with this convention which is common in most 3d programs it may be difficult to get your head around....but it is commonly refered to as a weight map. Weight maps control how much influence(or deformation if you prefer) a bone has on a wireframe moho there is no mesh...just lines with points(a 2d mesh). I'm just curious if this degree of control is possible. I am aware of the bone strenghth tool....and it does provide a somewhat crude variation on this idea. This is very useful in situations where you have an elbow bending on an arm for an example.....the points closest to the elbow would have their weight(influence,strength) set low to 0 or 10 so they move very little....while the other points in the group move normally..... Anyway......i'm just curious if this degree of control is possible.cheers
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Post by Lost Marble »

Have you read Tutorials 3.1 and 3.4 in the version 5 manual? They'll do a lot more to explain weighted bone binding that I could describe in a forum post.

Basically, you can't assign weights to individual points. Instead, you define a bone's region of influence, and if a point is within that region, it will move with that bone. If a point is in multiple regions, it will be moved by all the corresponding bones.

Also, if a point is in multiple bone influence regions, it is influence more by bones whose regions it is "deeper" inside than those bones whose regions it is near the edge of.
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Post by WillBellJr »

I'm hoping one day to see Moho feature SmartSkin similar to Animation Master; control points moved based on the angle of a particular bone. (Great for controlling pinching and other issues as well.)

Granted I know there are tutorials on how to make a muscle bulge using multiple bones but I feel smartskin would be a nice addition as well.
