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NEW BUG? - Rendering while previewing

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:30 am
by Daniel Poeira
I just lost a lotof rowk because of a little bug on MoHo 5 (I blame myself for not saving it!! :) )

When I rendered the animation some times, it worked out well. However, the last time I tried, the animation preview was running on MoHo when I tried to export. When I reached the Quicktime's compression setting screen, none of the buttons - either OK or Cancel - worked. The preview kept on running and the settings of the Quicktime compression kept working, but I couldn't either OK it or cancel.

It sounds like a minor thing to fix, but sure is annoying... :)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:49 am
by Lost Marble
Yikes! We'll get that fixed.