What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by onurdemirsoy »

1- Lock groups or lock shapes

It would be great to lock finished drawings, shapes etc. It is really a pain to work on complex shapes without this feature. Working with layers is a solution but not always. Sometimes I have to do lots of works on a layer and moving points is getting difficult.

2- Merge color styles

I would like to merge styles after I import object from other files. For example I created a character with skin style and import hands with same style from another file. I would like to keep only 1 style and change both character's and hands' color from it. Also sorting styles with dragging would be awesome.

3- Real motion blur

I dont want to render all layers seperately to PNGs and add motion blur on After Effects.

4- Better vector importing and correct angles

If you draw a really big rectangle you ll see that it loses its shape. (You can see an example below) I wish all angles will be correct in the next update.

5- Better strokes

I would like to have option to use strokes on center, outside or inside. Is it possible to make strokes look like in the example below. (For now I have to hide all strokes and use fills for inner part and outer part.) Really who like strokes in Anime Studio? It makes works look amateur. We need something professional.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by Nicohk92 »

selgin wrote:
Greenlaw wrote:Yeah, disabling Enable Bone Dynamics in 10.1.3 still does nothing to actually disable Bone Dynamics
That's weird. It's working here.
Not working on my mac
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by Greenlaw »

Nicohk92 wrote:Not working on my mac
Thanks for posting that. I'm actually on Win but I was beginning to think I was the only one using ASP 10 (besides Alisa,) with a non-working Dynamics Enable/Disable switch. :)

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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by InfoCentral »

#1 Problem

Importation of graphic elements. All other 2D programs either don't have internal graphic tools so you have to use another program and import the finished artwork or they have almost seamless import capabilities. BTW, the line between 3D and 2D is really starting to get blurred. Blender has several tools to construct 2D cel shaded looking output. The grease pencil is coming along nicely if you have never seen that in action.

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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by InfoCentral »

CMcartoons wrote:Personally for me I would love to see:
Ability to export Vector art from manga studio to AS.
Well since Manga Studio doesn't export in vector formats that would be the first place to start.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by eric1223 »

A better way to copy all poses within a parented layer. Now, the only way I can think of doing this now is to copy the whole document, but that could leave you with a lot of unwanted channels... for every layer you have in your whole document. Maybe something like this can work the same way adding a "adding keyframe to layer" work in the menu in a parent group? Except it copies the exact parameters of the current frame, and add keyframes without unused channels.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by x-vishon »

I have an idea for one feature that I'm not sure I have seen. A way to have multiple states of how bones are connected when animated. This would enable you to animate the parenting of a bone or connect bones to other objects or anchor points at different times. A reason for this would be to have say a prop that is part of a rig and moves with a hand and is influenced by the hand but during the animation be able to detach or attach the bones on that item or switch layer. making it easy to do a throw with out needing to switch between a visible version that is attached and one that is not. also to be able to have anchor points on objects that bones could snap to that will not move. so lets say your doing a animation of someone climbing a wall you could attach or snap to anchors that have been layer on that layer. This would act similarly to bone locking but could be on a physics object lets say. like the end of a rope. attach the hands to the anchor point and the character could hang from the rope and detach again that way the moving rope the hands could be locked to the object instead of a point on the work-space.

Hope that makes sense. so to sum up the ability to attach and detach bones influence or set up points or hot spots that attach or detach from bones. I'm sure there are tons of other creative ways people would use such a feature. This is just the first that comes to mind. I don't think am I missing a really obvious ability or script to do this with as I have never seen one AS10 or below?
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by ruscular3d »

InfoCentral wrote:
CMcartoons wrote:Personally for me I would love to see:
Ability to export Vector art from manga studio to AS.
Well since Manga Studio doesn't export in vector formats that would be the first place to start.
I would love to see a setting for variable tolerance for thick line that are drawn in another program to be converted into a single line during the conversion to AS vector line.

Typically If I had a drawing of a square and import into AS, and then had it converted to AS vector line, it would create 2 square, one inside another and then a fill in between them.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by Undiscovered »

I love Anime Studio pro ... Here's a list of my wish list features.......

1 )I would love to see an option to quickly export to GIF. so I can quickly share a snippet of my animation on google plus/facebook
How cool would it be to see your animation animating in your social network timeline automatically.

Anyone else want this feature? 8)

2) I would also like to have RULERS built into anime studio so we can visually see how big each side of our shapes, characters, backgrounds are etc.
The secret to pro animation drawing is balance and precision. Adding rulers would help. :mrgreen:

3) I also would like a faster way and professional way to lip-sync. I know there is Papagayo, but it is a separate program, but something built in and that works better would be awesome. (Also Papagayo only works with switch layers, a lot of Anime studio artists use Smart bone animation to animate mouth lip sync. So can we get something that helps the smart bone animation animate lip-sync easier.

4) I prefer to do my whole animation process start and end in Anime Studio without a second video editor. But the problem is when I export out of Anime Studio the audio is distorted. This is a known issue that I hope get's fixed in the update.

5) Camera angle feature..(Would work like switch layers but added advantage of remembering last scene animations)
So for example you would have your scene looking straight on.. then another switch layer with the same scene but from a different angle... then another switch layer with the same scene but an ariel shot... and etc.. etc... when you switch layer to a different camera angles the characters will be in the same pose they last were in on the previous switch layer, so you can quickly switch camera angles and animate fast and it looks like there are 2-3 cameras in the room. This would make it look professional and real.

6) I think we should all have an automatic bone creator for a human character. (A standard Human bone template.) That everyone has access too and we can make reusable actions for that we can share here on the forum. (So basically use this Automatic Skelton bone creator template on your character. "Bind it to your layers on your character". .then download actions from users and then see your own character move smoothly.) I feel this can also be a good learning tool, to reverse engineer how it was done. (Some Actions categories like.. Walking... kicking... waving... punching... Jumping... shaking... thinking.... pondering.... (we can also have different angled actions for side, front, back etc.) (It can be grouped into sections of realistic, cartoon, happy, sad Etc.) (we can also have a template mouth lip sync with all user template.) Endless possibilities.

7) More drawing tools like Photoshop. Gaussian blur update would be awesome. Glow effects. Paint spray effect. Dodge and burn effects.
How cool would it be if you can combine vector and real paint on our character. (Like draw our characters and color them in with vectors. Then add a layer on top of that with real photoshop paint effects all within Anime Studio.)

8) Green screen mode. (Spoiler alert: I use Anime Studio for everything, Because I am comfortable with it.) When I bring a picture PNG in the Work area I can select that little magic brush and click on the green background and it will disappear. But sometimes not all of it disappears and I am stuck with green spots. I wish you can erase portions of the picture. (I know I can crop it or mask out what I don't want.. but a simple eraser would be great thank you. :)

Anime Studio is a great program that I love...
Any of these feature request would be appreciated.
Thank you.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by jahnocli »

I'm curious as to why this thread is here when "Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio" is immediately above it. This leads to double-posting (like the post immediately above this one) -- encouraging that can't be a good thing, surely?
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by jayfaker »

I think it's probably because super giant threads like that one can seem a bit overwhelming. Plus that thread seems like more of a place to dump your feature requests rather than have a conversation. Plus, this thread is a wish list for the next version, whereas the other thread is just a general 'whenever it can be done' sorta thread.

Though, to be honest, the majority of features coming in the next version were probably almost all decided on before this thread even existed. But it's still fun to wish.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by Jax_Cavalera »

I wanna see an Auto-Rig for your 2d Character where you simply provide a 2D character and the program slices it up and rigs it ready to animate with simple IK controls.

Actually to expand on this idea :

what would be best is to have it so AS11 can convert a 2D Vector outline into a 3D character using that base shape for the model and then let you either paint onto it the texture or use the textured image as a basis for it.

It would auto fit the IK rig into it and all you do is highlight key points on the vector wireframe where "legs, head arms, tail" etc are and it knows how to bone that stuff up ready for animation.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by marcossouza »


1 - In window of PREVEW I wish to use PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP to view back image cache

2 - TRACK MOTION for separate bones (it's coool)

Like this:

3 - Head Turn Technique ( maybe... crate a new control tool for head, join a work screen)

Like this:


I gonna think more... hahahaha

Thank's :D :D

Obs. I must say that smart bones is a creation incredible.
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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by Greenlaw »

Greenlaw wrote:
Nicohk92 wrote:Not working on my mac
Thanks for posting that. I'm actually on Win but I was beginning to think I was the only one using ASP 10 (besides Alisa,) with a non-working Dynamics Enable/Disable switch.
Had to follow up since I've been grumbling about this bug all year long: the Bone Dynamics issue appears to be fixed in 11!

Bone Dynamics with several characters, bit map in particular with many bones, now updates much MUCH faster in 11 when stepping and scrubbing. I think performance is as fast as it was back in 9.5 (need to check that,) but the new version 11 release is definitely more 'scrubalicious' compared to version 10's 'grinding to a halt' performance with heavy dynamics. And if this wasn't fast enough for me, the Dynamics Enable/Disable switch in 11 is working. (To be clear, yes, 11 is fast enough!)

I can confirm this improved performance on two different computers: my mobile Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 Enhanced i7 and my home studio workstation, an Intel quad core i7. Both computers had this issue with every iteration of 10 and both run great with 11.

Kudos to the ASP 11 dev team. You guys rock! :D

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Re: What would you like to see in 10.5/11?

Post by Greenlaw »

Oops! Not quite. The Bone Dynamics performance is certainly much better in 11 and I'm very grateful for that. However, the Bone Dynamics Enable/Disable switch isn't quite working, not consistently anyway. After I disable it, I can sometimes still see the bones reacting to motion when scrubbing or stepping, as if dynamics were still on. It seems very quirky though, like it's sometimes working and sometimes not.

This is not nearly a show stopper it was in version 10 but it's still not quite right.

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