moho 12 constantly crashes

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moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by cynthia »

I hope this will be fixed. I just updated but moho 12 keeps crashing. I have to get an animation job done, so I'm switching back to Anime Pro 11.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by Greenlaw »

Which version of 12 were you using? 12.0 had some issues but 12.1 has been very stable for me at home and at work ever since it came out.

What are you doing when it crashes? Are you using 12.2? We haven't officially updated to 12.2 at work so I can't vouch for that version yet.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by cynthia »

I just updated to 12.2 and it's crashing. Do you think I should restart my computer?
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by synthsin75 »

cynthia wrote:I just updated to 12.2 and it's crashing. Do you think I should restart my computer?
Yes, Moho should prompt you to restart after install.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by Greenlaw »

I always reboot when I'm experiencing crashing problems in any program. In fact, I generally reboot every few days regardless, to avoid potential problems. That's not guaranteed to fix the problem you're seeing but it might help.

Just wondering but what are you doing when it crashes? Does this happen with any scene or only in a specific scene? If it's the latter, try deconstructing the scene until you isolate what's crashing it. It might be a particular image file or some bad data that needs to be cleaned up. (A corrupted keyframe perhaps?)

I used to get random crashes with 12.0 when running Moho Exporter but that issue was fixed in 12.1. I'm not personally seeing any other crashes lately and I've been running Moho pretty heavily these days.
Last edited by Greenlaw on Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by cynthia »

I'll pay attention to when it crashes, Greenlaw. Thanks for the suggestion. I've just restarted the computer. Will report back.
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Re: moho 12.2 stopped crashing

Post by cynthia »

Thanks for your help, Guys. I restarted the computer and it seems to be working fine now.
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Luke Marcatili
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by Luke Marcatili »

I'm using Moho 12.2 and constantly getting crashes- I now have to save after practically every change I make, and I get the 'beachball of death' on a very regular basis.

I am working on a Frame-by-Frame animation of a dust cloud over an imported video file (mp4) which I exported from After Effects. I'm working with the video file in the timeline but not visible.

The frame-by-frame animation is about 150 frames long, the video file about 1.5MB. I'm about 45 frames away from finishing the FxF animation.

The most recent crash was when using the paint bucket to fill a shape.

After crashing Moho asks if I would like to re-open the program, which I do. It then tells me the file wasn't saved properly and asks if I want to recover the file, I click Yes but then I get an error "Could Not Open File. Error Details: Failed to parse JSON document".

I updated to Moho 12 about a week ago and have tried to open the file in ASP11 but it gives me an error: "Could Not Open File. Error Details: Bad File Error: PK".

I've deleted the video file out of the timeline and performance improves dramatically- but now I can't line my animation up with the rest of my scene. I'm pretty new to Anime Studio/Moho so if there's a better way to work with video I'm happy to hear it, but otherwise Moho is almost unusable for me.

<edit> I also rebooted my computer as suggested above with the video file still in the timeline and it crashed within about 5 seconds of using it again.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by Greenlaw »

The Moho 12 crashing you describe is not normal and without knowing anything about your setup, I"m not sure what to suggest. My first thought is to make sure the graphics card drivers are current. If the problem continues, try re-installing Moho--maybe part of the program somehow got corrupted. You might also have to delete possibly corrupted configuration files. (I'm not sure where they are off the top of my head; hopefully another user can fill in this info.)

Does your scene contain and bitmaps or audio files. If so, maybe there is something about the files Moho doesn't like so you could try different formats or format settings.

If that doesn't help, I would get in touch with tech support. They might be able to guide you in figuring out why Moho crashes on your system.

As for opening a Moho file in ASP 11, are you saving the file in ASP 11 format? ASP 11 cannot open a native Moho 12 file so be sure to save it in a compatible format.
Last edited by Greenlaw on Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by neeters_guy »

Greenlaw wrote:...If problem continues, try re-installing Moho--maybe part of the program somehow got corrupted. You might also have to delete possibly corrupted configuration files. (I'm not sure where they are off the top of my head; hopefully another user can fill in this info.)
Can't vouch for this, but a user named primal moron suggests a hack: Fatal error occurred loading the application
Remember to back up files before you do this, just in case. :wink:
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by Greenlaw »

Just read the post in the other thread.

FYI, one thing to be aware of is that this will probably use up an activation (you get three per license.) This isn't a big deal because you can get the activation back through your user account. Alternatively, you can call Tech Support to release the 'lost' activation.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by Luke Marcatili »

Thanks for the helpful responses Greenlaw & neeters_guy. I managed to painstakingly get through the last 45 frames or so between crashes so I'm almost done with the shot I'm working on (i think). I'll see if your suggestions give me any improvement and post again if I work out what caused it.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by drumlug13 »

I'm dealing with lots and lots of crashes with M 12.2 too. I just want to throw my information into the conversation for anybody that's trying to figure this one out. I've been having to save after every change as well. I'm still in the drawing stages of the files I mention below, so these crashes are happening on frame 0 without any heavy animation going on.

-I've really only been working with 2 files since upgrading. 528 KB and 772 KB
- One has about 50 vector layers, the other about 70 (both files crash regularly)
- I've rebooted several times
- I've re-installed
- Graphic cards are updated
- Windows 10 Pro
- Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5420 @ 2.50GHz
...............2.49 GHz (2 processors)
- Installed RAM 8.00 GB
- 64-bit operating system, 64-based processor

If anybody/tech is collecting data on this, I'd be happy to send files if you suspect there's something in there causing the crashes. Or if there's any other information I need to add, I'd be happy to help.

One thing I did notice after I uninstalled. When I re-installed Moho I was not prompted to enter my serial number. Could this be a sign of an incomplete uninstall/re-install? I do seem to remember reading something about a new license manager but I can't remember if that was for Moho or another program. Was I supposed to be prompted for the serial again?
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by hayasidist »

12.2 build 21774 I've had crashes when duplicating (i.e. not copy by ref) particle layers / editing a recently duplicated particle layer (??) - trouble is I can never remember exactly what I did and so I've thus far put it down to sheer bad luck and haven't really got time to dive into the whys and wherefores of this.
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Re: moho 12 constantly crashes

Post by drumlug13 »

Welll... The crashes are super frequent today and it finally wiped out one of my files. Usually after the crashes and the "Could Not Open File. Error Details: Failed to parse JSON document", I could always open the file up with the "Open recent file" tab and it would be at my last manually saved point. Now it won't even attempt to open it.

-The files in the, C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Smith Micro\Moho Pro\12 folder are both blanks now too.

The file I'm working on today is a lot lighter than the two I described above in my previous post. About 3 hours of work... down the tubes. Rebooting & re-installing doesn't seem to help anymore.
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