HTML5 export in near future?

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HTML5 export in near future?

Post by ladlon »

Hi, seeing as the Flash format is quickly coming to an end, I'm looking into how to convert my existing website elements, as well as figure out what software I'll be using to create future website (vector) elements.

Are there any serious plans to have Moho able to export HTML5 versions of animations? If so, any projection how soon it might be?

Also, I asked this in the Scripting section, but I figure I might as well ask it here... Does the Moho scripting currently have the equivelant of gotoAndPlay()? Can it also do some form of random number generation? (...and, can I combine them both, as in Actionscipt, to jump to random frames?)
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by slowtiger »

Scripting in Moho is strictly limited to creating animation. It does not work during playback and doesn't provide any interaction in the rendered video files.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by dueyftw »

Motion Artist will import Moho and export to HTML 5



An example of the two: ... k.html/475

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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by ladlon »

Thanks for the responses, guys.

Wow, I never thought MotionArtist would be a solution! Thanks for pointing that out, I'll have to look into that.

Hopefully, HTML5 export comes to Moho soon, though.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by hayasidist »

MA also has some ability for the viewer to control the "flow" at playback time

MA supports the inclusion of clickable buttons etc to

go to a specific frame
go to a specific scene
go to the next scene
go to the previous scene
trigger a specific object animation
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by Lost Marble »

Just keep in mind that MotionArtist is pretty far behind Moho. It will not support Moho version 12 features (or 11, or maybe even 10, I'm not exactly sure).

Also, MotionArtist was created before WebGL was widely adopted by browsers. It can export some bone animation, but nothing where shapes get warped by bones - strictly rigid layer binding. If I were to update the HTML player now, I would definitely go with WebGL and allow for proper bone warping.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by ladlon »

I own Clip Studio Pro and Moho 12, and had briefly looked at Motion Artist back when I was getting Moho (10, I think).

Although it looked neat, it seemed redundant, as I thought I could do the same thing in Moho, or AfterEffects, for that matter. So, until now, I have sort of ignored it.

I'm still hestitant to get it, as I am still hoping Moho gets HTML5 export in a future update. Seems like it would be a really useful and relevant feature now.

Failing that, can anyone suggest some program to do HTML5 animation?

I have Flash CS6, and supposedly this 3rd party plugin I grabbed recently will give it HTML5 export ( idea how good or complete it is).

I certainly wouldn't be upset about switching over to a newer/different HTML5 vector animation program program, as I never liked the Flash interface. Again, Moho with HTML5 would be stellar... but, failing that, I have to find some other program for doing HTML5 animation... especially since I will have to redo all the animated parts of my site, if the Flash+HTML5 export plugin thing doesn't do what I need. I DO need Actionscript support, but only really for gotoAndPlay() and random number functionality (generally, used together, to have random timeline jumping).

Any suggestions (in case Moho doesn't get HTML5 export)?
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by Greenlaw »

Adobe Animate CC is supposed to support HTML 5. I don't know how good the support is as I just started learning the program, but I imagine it's one of the reasons Adobe finally abandoned Flash Player support.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by herbert123 »

Dragonbones is free, supports quite advanced bones animation (including mesh deformation!), and exports directly to html. Even has a motion comic option.

The new version 5.3 introduces rudimentary frame-by-frame animation as well. To export, you do have to create an account (which is also free).

Also exports to Spine format - which is supported by many other tools.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by ladlon »

@Greenlaw: Thanks for the response. Ya, Adobe is focusing on HTML5 and phasing out Flash... but I'm on CS6, and will never go on subscription/CC. Beyond me not liking the licensing, Adobe shafted me and my work partner, so I won't be purchasing any further Adobe products. I still use AfterEffects all the time (used it most of my career, and always loved it), but have recently switched over to Moho for much of my animation, after being really impressed by its features).

The fact that Nuke is a bit pricey for me currently, and that I invested in a number of excellent plugins for AE (Element3D, Optical Flares, Particular), is about the only things keeping me from dropping the Production Suite altogether... aside from how familiar/comfortable I am with AE. Currently, I have two goals... Find some way to convert my existing Flash projects to HTML5, and then find a good HTML5 animation software for future projects. I DID find an HTML5 export plugin for Flash CS6, but it gives a conflict error when I try and install it, and the Adobe support forums isn't responding so far. It SEEMS like Toolkit for CreateJS is already installed (as part of FlashCS6 itself), yet the HTML5 export feature is not present... so I don't know if it's safe/wise to install the Toolkit for CreateJS plugin that I downloaded (which, apparently, will give me HTML5 export). Seems it would copy over the existing one, and if something screws up, it could be really bad.

@Herbert123: Wow, thanks for pointing that one out! I'm definitely checking that out. I should be able to get by with just standard Flash animation (no bones, etc)... as the HTML5 stuff would be for my website. I like having animated headers, with random little animations... so, standard old-school 'hinged puppet' type setups, and some basic Actionscript (gotoAndPlay(random number)). My more complex, bone-based animations (like what I'm currently doing in Moho11), are generally for video output for broadcast... so, I can stay with Moho11 Pro for that (regardless of the fact it dosen't currently export HTML5). Still hoping they add that for a future update. I wish they would say whether it's something they even want to do.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by Greenlaw »

The fact that Nuke is a bit pricey for me currently,
You might want to look into Fusion. I used the program daily for 12 years when I worked at Rhythm & Hues. I also used Fusion for all my Little Green Dog animation projects with the exception of HLF. (I used HLF to become reacquainted with using AE.)

I actually like Fusion better than Nuke. The programs are similar but I think Fusion's UI is more polished, consistent and intuitive. I haven't worked enough with Nuke enough to be sure but Fusion seems faster to me too (it probably depends on the footage format.) Anyway, if budget is an issue, the standard version of Fusion is free.

I won't go into comparing Fusion and AE...they're actually very different compositing programs. There are things I like better about each, which is why I use both, sometimes on the same projects.

As far as using a compositing program with Moho, with my own projects I used Fusion for Scareplane and AE for HLF, and at work we typically use AE with Moho.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by ladlon »

Oh, ya! I keep forgetting about Fusion. Good call! It seems similar enough to Nuke, that I at least would be able to transition to Nuke if I got an opportunity to join an FX house. Get some 'Nuke' practice... I used Nuke for the first time a while back, working at a 3D conversion place. I have the non-commercial version at home, but need to get something I can do commercial work with, if I really do end up dropping Adobe's suite. I can obviously still keep/use the suite, as I have a pre-subscription version.

I'm just so used to AE, since I've used it for most of my career... plus, I have those plugins for it. Kind of a shame I can't transfer them over... but, I guess in life you sometimes have to let go of things, and move on to different things. It's all really a question of whether I want to shape myself into someone who can work at an FX house. I've been mostly working solo, occassionally jumping into an FX team for a series for a season or two. Heck, I can still use AE to generate elements, and bring those renders into Fusion.

Ya, I actually just did my first Moho/AE combo project...(a parody of the classic NFB animated short, Log Driver's Waltz, for the CBC). I did a raw (no effects) animation in Moho, rendered out the sequences on alpha, and brought them into AE for a bit of processing (making them more painterly, etc). The results were really great. Very happy with Moho. I even painted the backgrounds using Clip Studio EX (...yay, Smith Micro!). I'm definitely doing my cartoon animation in Moho (rather than AE) from now on. The bone system alone allowed me to make much more organic animations. I was actually learning/getting used to Moho while doing that project. Now, I'm very comfortable with it, just like I was with AE.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by Greenlaw »

ladlon wrote:I'm just so used to AE, since I've used it for most of my career... plus, I have those plugins for it. Kind of a shame I can't transfer them over... but, I guess in life you sometimes have to let go of things, and move on to different things.
Just because you use start using one new program doesn't mean you have to give up an old one. I use many different packages at home and at work because I've found that no single package is ideal for all situations.

For example, at work we use Moho, Harmony, Animate CC, and AE for 2D animation. Last year I even had one scene where I needed to use Moho, Harmony, and DuIK (in AE) all in the same sequence. (Thankfully, that was a rare case.) :P

And, as mentioned earlier, at home I switch between Fusion and AE for compositing, and sometimes I use them together. At work, I use AE most of the time but sometimes I need to use Nuke. It really depends on the task and show requirements, and whichever tool will get the desired result quickly. (Oh, and of course my personal skill level. Of the three, I'm definitely slower/weaker in Nuke because I don't use it very often.)
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by ladlon »

Yep, for sure... It's not like I'm having to trade in AE if I start using Fusion.

I just watched a demo session of Fusion, and was blown away. Love it. I have already downloaded it, and will be installing it very soon. Thanks again for reminding me about it!

In the last year or so, I've pretty much replaced Photoshop with Clip Studio EX and Krita, and now AE with Moho (for 2D animation at least). Definitely liking the new stuff.

Looks like I may be teaching myself Dragonbones, in case Moho doesn't end up getting HTML5 output.... but just for the animated header of my website. Everything else will definitely be Moho.
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Re: HTML5 export in near future?

Post by dueyftw »

ladlon wrote:Yep, for sure... It's not like I'm having to trade in AE if I start using Fusion.

I just watched a demo session of Fusion, and was blown away. Love it. I have already downloaded it, and will be installing it very soon. Thanks again for reminding me about it!

In the last year or so, I've pretty much replaced Photoshop with Clip Studio EX and Krita, and now AE with Moho (for 2D animation at least). Definitely liking the new stuff.

Looks like I may be teaching myself Dragonbones, in case Moho doesn't end up getting HTML5 output.... but just for the animated header of my website. Everything else will definitely be Moho.
I have tried every thing for animation. From Alice to ZenCub3d.
I know how to animate in:
TV Paint

And that's the animation programs. When you add the editing, sound and writing programs. I know tons of computer programs and always learning more.

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