Newbie Needs Help

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Newbie Needs Help

Post by bendavis1957 »

I've been retired from teaching for six years and trying to build a home business. I need to learn to operate Moho Pro 12 to create simple animations (like moving sine waves) to market what I do to potential customers. I've just about exhausted my retirement because of developers who charged me $150.00/hour and accomplished very slow progress.

I'm looking for someone who knows this program well and is willing to teach me some basics--not to become a Moho "Ninja" but to know enough to get going on my own. I've found the program to be pretty intuitive right from the box (or download) but still struggle with stuff like Switch Layers, Layer Visibility, Layer Groups, and mainly other basic functions.

Of course, I expect to pay someone for their help but just can't keep chunking out $100-$150/hour for little progress. Please message me if you have teaching experience with this product and might be willing to not charge exorbitant fees. I pay immediately (within 10 minutes) after sessions--every time without fail.
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Re: Newbie Needs Help

Post by Xork »

That's a tough one. I have good animation experience, (Disney Feature Animation) I have a basic understanding of MOHO PRO 12. The more esoteric stuff I have yet to tackle. I could help you to get it all going.
What are your goals? Character or motion graphic? Or?
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Re: Newbie Needs Help

Post by bendavis1957 »

I simply need to understand the basics to get me started. I hate watching the tutorial videos because they spend so much time telling you who they are, what they do, how long they have been doing it, what the tutorial is about, how they’re going to teach you in the tutorial, and then it rarely has anything relevant to do with what I’m trying to accomplish.

My most immediate need is to animate a simple sine wave oscillating from left to right across my display. Then show that wave being reflected back as a standing wave.

I have Join Me on my computer and can screen share.

If you can help, please email me at

Thank you!
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Re: Newbie Needs Help

Post by hayasidist »

have you seen replies to your post here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32485&p=185434#p185450 ??

(and it would help you if you posted just once -- as suggested here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=32483&p=185432#p185441!)
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