Affinity sale

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Affinity sale

Post by slowtiger »

There's a sale now for Affinity, Does anybody here work with Photo and Designer and can compare it to Adobe's line?
AS 9.5 MacPro Quadcore 3GHz 16GB OS 10.6.8 Quicktime 7.6.6
AS 11 MacPro 12core 3GHz 32GB OS 10.11 Quicktime 10.7.3
Moho 13.5 iMac Quadcore 2,9GHz 16GB OS 10.15

Moho 14.1 Mac Mini Plus OS 13.5
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Re: Affinity sale

Post by obtusity »

Disclaimer: While I have used Adobe products (available to me at work), my experience with them is limited. I've never had to do significant amounts of image editing. I've played with my copy of Affinity Photo but not used it in depth, and I actually use Affinity Designer.

The short version: Affinity products: fewer features (especially "non-core" features), better interface (in my opinion).

Photoshop has become a sort of Swiss army knife of "use it for everything image-related" and, while Affinity Photo has features for digital painting, Affinity Photo seems to have more of a "built for photographers" feel to it (I'm not a photographer, which is why I use it less than Designer).

Affinity Designer is more of a "create from scratch" program, and feels like the child of a vector software with a paint program, with the ability to use raster brushes "onto" (clipped by) vector shapes. AD almost seems a little as if Adobe's Project Gemini came out 4 years early for Mac, then Windows, then iOS.
While Illustrator has always felt like "built for designers" to me, Affinity Designer feels (somewhat ironically, given the names) more like "built for digital artists" (in spite of a plethora of design features).
[Incidentally, the SVG output from Affinity Designer opens fine in Moho]

Trial versions are available, but I believe they only have about 10 days duration: (feel free to replace en-gb with en-us for US English, or de for German)
Note: the trial versions are a separate download version, they do not update to a full version, although saved projects should open in the full version.

The print-only workbooks, Affinity Photo Workbook and Affinity Designer Workbook are worthwhile investments, high-quality project-based books (note: not user manuals, the in-built help is probably better for that), available in English and German.

Credit: several links above go to Frankentoon tutorials for examples. No affiliation, except as a fan and occasional customer.
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Re: Affinity sale

Post by herbert123 »

I have extensive experience with Photoshop and stopped using Photoshop a couple of years ago in favour of PhotoLine. I also have a license of Affinity Photo.

In short: for me personally Affinity Photo has too many smaller and larger workflow quirks and missing features at this point. The GUI, while looking nice, is actually quite clunky in many places. Again, this is my personal experience with Affinity Photo so far. Too many missing basic and higher level features in Photo.

I use Photo mainly for its stacking and panorama functions. That's it. Otherwise I do my image editing in PhotoLine and digital painting in Krita as well as ClipStudio.

But I do support them, and we'll see how Affinity improves in the upcoming years. It's certainly not a bad image editor - as a matter of fact, I think it is a far better option for many users compared to Photoshop, which is far too bloated for most.
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Re: Affinity sale

Post by ruscular3d »

They have a black friday sale going on now for $35 for photo
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