Bone animation paste to frame 0

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Bone animation paste to frame 0

Post by Slyanim »


It may be a silly question, but…

Can I copy and paste the pose, what I made with bones (for example) on frame 1 to frame 0?
Because the bones are working on any frame except 0.
My goal is to do a bit different rig, but with the same character bone structure.

Thanks for the answers, in advance
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Re: Bone animation paste to frame 0

Post by dueyftw »


Be on select bone tool. Select the bones then Ctrl c. Go to the new layer and Ctrl v.

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Re: Bone animation paste to frame 0

Post by Greenlaw »


You can copy and paste the keyframes for the posed bones to frame 0 but it won't align to the artwork there because that's the setup frame.
Because the bones are working on any frame except 0.
Not sure what you mean by this. Frame 0 isn't a frame for animation and the rig isn't supposed to 'work' there. It's the 'setup' frame and it's used for rigging. You can simulate rig posing somewhat at frame 0 if you use the Manipulate Bones tool but that's a temporary pose and it might not employ all of the rig's features accurately. To see your rig accurately posed and fully operational, it's better to use a later frame on the timeline, and use the Design Mode toggle to jump between that frame and frame 0.

Tip: When I'm rigging, I'll sometimes set up markers on the timeline if I want multiple 'test' frames. I find this easier when I want to test a rig for various poses at the same time.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Bone animation paste to frame 0

Post by Slyanim »

Hi all,

Thanks for the replies! Okay, so I can't do what I want. I know that I can copy paste bone keys, but It's not useful in this case, becasue the vectors don't "follow" or manipulated by the bones.
Yes, the simulated or test bone posing is great ( shortcut Z), but for temporary checking. I think, there would be useful to be a checkbox for permament bone manipulation on frame 0. I know there Will be smart bones what messed up because of that, but it would correctable after that. Maybe it would be faster to alter a main rig, than build the entire rig again, wouldn't be?
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