Set Origin

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Sandra HH
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Set Origin

Post by Sandra HH »


I've only been trying Moho Pro for a few weeks and have been working my way through the tutorials, watching some videos on YT and getting a lot of helpful input here in the forum posts. Thanks for that.

At first I was a firm believer in drawing my characters in Illustrator, but I read on the forum that I'd better get to grips with the drawing tools within Moho. On YouTube I came across a video on drawing characters in Moho

In this video, it is very careful that the origin point per layer is set accurately (even using scripts). However, in the Moho document I read: "In most cases, you will never need to change the origin of a layer at all."

Should I bother to always pay attention to the origin of each object as shown in the video? Does it make the later steps easier? What is the best practice.

Thanks for the opportunity to ask questions here even as a beginner.

Greetings Sandra
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Re: Set Origin

Post by slowtiger »

Depends. The origin is not only the pivot point, it's the pivot point in all 3 axes and the center of scaling.

For characters made of bitmaps I usually don't change the origin in Moho. If I want to add bitmaps later (like in a switchlayer) it's easier to have the bitmap have the same size and origin. For everything else the bone rigging takes care.

For props which just need to be moved around a bit I usually set the origin by hand to make sure they rotate around the right spot, like the handle of the cup. Same goes fo stuff which needs to rotate in perspective, like a simple door: the origin is on the hinge side.

For elements which need to squash and stretch I set the origin by hand to make sure they sqash in the right direction: on the side of the impact.

For stuff which needs to change size in perspective I set the origin in the vanishing point.

In recent Moho versions it can be a bit annoying to have the origin far outside of the object because the manipulation tool rectangle gets very large to include it.
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Sandra HH
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Re: Set Origin

Post by Sandra HH »

Slowtiger, thank you very much for your detailed reply.

As I am currently getting used to the drawing tools in Moho, it might not be bad to use the scripts for setting the pivot point as well. It's a click and I will keep your different usage examples in mind.

Thank you very much for examples :)

Greetings Sandra
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