HSV Modifier

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HSV Modifier

Post by bupaje »

Can anyone explain the operation of the HSV modiefier a bit? Seems to give some cool results in random experiments here. I would like to understand exactly what it is doing to see if there are some other creative ways to use it.

A a side note to LM this might be cool if it could be animated or you could use a movie instead of only a still image for this. In fact if you could share the same image or movie it might be used to say have all the windows 'reflect' a sky animation similar to what I tried to suggest in the suggestion forum (in my usual muddled way). :)
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Lost Marble
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Post by Lost Marble »

It's kind of a weird feature. I'll tell you this first: the things you can do with an HSV modifier image can now be done with layer blending modes which are new in Moho 5. The benefit of layer blending modes is that you can use any kind of layer, not just an image. So you can use still pictures or movies in image layers, or even 3D or particle layers (or even image layers as the actual particles inside a particle layer).

So, in general I would recommend using layer blending modes now that they are available.

Back to HSV modifier images: what this does is take the red channel of the image and use it to tweak the Hue of the layer. The green channel tweaks the Saturation. And the blue channel tweaks the Value (or brightness or luminosity).

For each channel (red, green, or blue), a value of 128 has no effect, while values approaching 0 or 255 (black or white) have a greater effect in the Hue, Saturation, or Value (depending on the color channel).

It can be hard to create an HSV modifier image to do something intentional, but using various semi-random textures can get some interesting effects.
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Post by bupaje »

Ahhh, that makes sense. So when I feel like playing I'll try building an rgb image from three images and see what happens; but I'm guessing it would take some doing to get predicatable results.

Got some weird results, posted here but might be a bug. Not sure if it needs to be addressed if it is supplnated by the blending modes but figured I'd mention it.

Here is a render of a frame using HSV


Here is a screenshot of what I get when I try to export the animation


Here is the png I used for the HSV and the moho file in case you are interested.


Anyway having fun, though I'll never get an animation done at this rate - got the mad scientist gene I think. ;)
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Post by Lost Marble »

What you're seeing there is an enlarged version of the "missing image" icon. The image used for your image layer is not available, so it won't render correctly.

Plus, the links to the images are all over the place. In order to share a Moho file with other people, it's best to save the Moho file and any images it uses all in the same folder. In this case, the Moho file has a link to one copy of the cloudybeachscape.jpg file in the same folder as the Moho file, one copy on Burt's desktop (which does not exist on anyone else's computer), a copy of untitled.png on Burt's desktop, and maybe one or two other image references.
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Post by bupaje »

Oops, thanks LM. :oops:
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