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Post by synthsin75 »

Yeah slowtiger, I know I'm being overly ambitious for a newbie. Maybe ridiculously so. It's just how I go about learning things, I guess. If I can figure out this little complicated bit, then I'm just that much further along.

Heyvern, I would greatly apreciate a rig like that to at least study, and no, I figure I'll end up using any script I can find when it's all said and done. Just today I was thinking I needed to learn how to use the flip and aim scripts.

For now, I've got an idea worked up for doing what I want without scripts. I'll see if I can post it as I have any real progress.[/quote]
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Post by synthsin75 »

Okay, here's my first test run on this. Don't ask why I put it in a switch layer( I was making it more complicated than it was). And yes, I know with a regular bone layer I could have put all the controls on one layer, but I didn't feel like reworking all that.
Let me know what ya think. Any ideas for improvement appreciated.
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Post by heyvern »


I misunderstood your goal. I thought you wanted to distort the eyes when the head turns.

I am going to back up a little and say that just maybe... the "individual" distortions of each eye may be a bit much. The eyes appear to be turning "inside" the head. My rigs keep the eyes the "same" until the head turns past the center point then the "far" eye "squishes" and "shrinks" slightly to account for perspective. For front views I don't bother with distortion.

Other than that the rig isn't pretty well done. I changed the "y" constraint on "trans ctrl rt
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Post by heyvern »

Another thing... you could easily have that whole set up under one bone layer. No need for an "extra" nested layer. I try as much as possible to have ALL animation done on one bone layer. Probably have to use some bone offset though.

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Post by synthsin75 »

Another thing... you could easily have that whole set up under one bone layer. No need for an "extra" nested layer. I try as much as possible to have ALL animation done on one bone layer. Probably have to use some bone offset though.
Yeah, like I said when I posted it, I was too far along to rework the layers just for a test.
Other than that the rig isn't pretty well done. I changed the "y" constraint on "trans ctrl rt
Well I haven't been at this that long, but that 'trans ctrl rt & lft' constraints are ment for a future head turn with tilt included. I thought good masking could do the rest.
I'd love to see your 3d eye rig. ( Hopefully it has fewer bones than the springy mechanism).
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