Script Validity

Moho allows users to write new tools and plugins. Discuss scripting ideas and problems here.

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Script Validity

Post by Toontoonz »

I was looking through the scripts here and lots are very interesting. But then I see the date 2004, 2003 and wonder....will they work on version 5.1 or cause problems? Is there a way to let people know which version these scripts work for?

I am totally ignorant of scripts, would like to try them, but leery about if the old ones are still usable.

Thanks for the advice.
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Post by 7feet »

As far as I can tell, and I've buried my head in this part of the process more than I thought possible, nothing has changed significantly in the scripting interface. A few extra things added, but thats it. Also keep in mind that Moho 5 only came out (officially) last October, after something like 4 months of Beta testing. So it hasn't been around that long. And version 5.0 was the first to have any scripting interface at all.

For the scripts, the only ones I can really speak of are the ones I've written. As far as I know, theres nothing in any of them that will blow anything up. I try, a lot, to make them fall over dead before I put them out there. A few of the early ones I want to rewrite because they don't work quite as well as I would like. Not because their hellholes of bugs.

The script interface, as it's been used so far, its pretty well insulated from your computer. One of the reasons it works so well cross-platform. Always a good thing to check, but at this point the worst that could happen is that a script could make Moho crash. Which sucks, but it won't give your computer a heart attack.

It's always a good idea to try stuff out on something non-critical, but most of the people here who've written scripts have done it because they themselve's needed them and they're mostly pretty straightforward programs. Use my own all the time.

So in a nutshell, I don't think there is any possibility that any script written for Moho has gotten past an expiration date. The scripting interface is well thought out, and although there are some things that I'd like to see added I seriously doubt that the basics are going to change much any time soon.

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Post by Toontoonz »

Thanks for the information. Your scripts look very interesting and I will give them a try.

I am a total idiot when it comes to Script writing. I am impressed by those that can do it and appreciate the time and thinking it takes to create a workable script.

Can you write a script that will take my Adobe Illustrator files into Moho correctly - so that I get the same exact colors and line weight in Moho as the drawing was made in Illustrator? This is a very serious problem to me and makes it so that I probably can only use Moho in very limited instances.

See file here - this graphically shows the problem:

See discussion link here:
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