Export Problem

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Export Problem

Post by ngh903 »

I'm trying to export an animation but it won't. I'm setting it to export to AVI movie and it goes to the little window that shows the export progress and the scene but it stays there and does nothing then closes and the novie isn't exported. I've been able to export one movie two days ago and I'm working on AS Pro if that has anything to do with it.
Last edited by ngh903 on Sat May 23, 2009 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by synthsin75 »

Are you on Mac or PC? There is an export bug fix for Mac, but that usually involves ASP crashing. Is there any chance that you have a previously rendered movie of the same project still open anywhere? If you render and then render again with the last video open, it won't work until you close the movie of the same name.

Just a guess.
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Post by ngh903 »

I'm working with Vista.
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Re: PC

Post by banjar »

ngh903 wrote:I'm working with Vista.
Vista is the worst piece of crap Microsoft ever put on the market. Have fun with your bug fixes.
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Post by mkelley »

Well, I wasn't going to get involved but even though I tend to agree that Vista is a real PITA let's see if we can be a little more helpful here.

First of all -- can you export as a series of BMPs? (You need the Pro version for this, I think). If that works, the next question is what codec are you using for your AVI? If a Quicktime codec the odds are high that QT needs to be reinstalled (trust me -- it just does. Apple knows a thing or two about flakiness, although they tend not to admit it). If uncompressed (no codec) you probably don't have enough memory/disk space to do it -- try another one (like the old MS one). And make sure you try a very small size (say 160x100) for test purposes in all of this.

Let us know the results and we may be able to help you further.
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Post by dueyftw »

Vista? do you have service pack one? if not that would be the first thing I would do. Did you add any new stuff form the internet? Run a virus scanner on just AS. Then the rest of the computer.

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Post by chucky »

Vista is the worst piece of crap Microsoft ever put on the market
Sorry everyone, but anyone who doesn't the odd fiery retort should skip the next section. :wink: OK here goes......

YAWN! :x
People who say this kind of thing generally have their heads firmly planted where the sun don't shine. They, in my experience often have poor hardware, a lot of crax / bootlegs, and or, poor computer skills which are in fact responsible for their difficulties. Often they also have an overblown opinion of their own skills and knowledge on the subject matter.

Keep it to yourself banjar , this kind of opinion is neither helpful or entertaining and says more about you than Microsoft. Which I have no reason to defend, I just don't like hearing B.S. knee-jerk comments which are as ill-considered as any equally ignorant racist/phobic remarks that are so popular with the small thinkers on this planet.

Sorry to so blunt banjar but if you want to throw muck around, expect to get some on yourself.
PS This was a rhetorical remark no reply is necessary :mrgreen:

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Post by dueyftw »

Chucky, Do you have a computer running vista?

My Vista computer has no more thumbnails for pictures in the folders, so the one way I can see what the picture file is to preview in Windows Photo Gallery. The default program. Once opened in Windows Photo Gallery all pictures are black and white, weather they are color or not.

My Vista computer 's win zip take according to the little window telling how much time it is going to take a 2 meg zip file to decompress is about 9 hours. I have replace it with 7 zip.

I can go with what wrong with my vista computer and what nonsense that I have put up with, but in short M$ released an operating system before testing it for bugs. M$ is clogging the internet with xp and vista dialing home to check for updates.

So when ngh903 says he has a Vista and something doesn't work, one should look at the OS to see if it is at fault.


and by the way the Vista on my computer does suck.
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Post by chucky »

Yup Vista and XP.
I have numerous examples I can quote that will back up what I said above ( which I will not be bothering to do for my own convenience), nevertheless Vista bashers off will go on slagging off the first name they see when they start their computer because it's just so much easier than finding out what issues they really have besides OS, or waiting for the second name that appears for reprehension..... ie the user
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Post by banjar »

chucky wrote:
Vista is the worst piece of crap Microsoft ever put on the market
Sorry everyone, but anyone who doesn't the odd fiery retort should skip the next section. :wink: OK here goes......

YAWN! :x
People who say this kind of thing generally have their heads firmly planted where the sun don't shine. They, in my experience often have poor hardware, a lot of crax / bootlegs, and or, poor computer skills which are in fact responsible for their difficulties. Often they also have an overblown opinion of their own skills and knowledge on the subject matter.

Keep it to yourself banjar , this kind of opinion is neither helpful or entertaining and says more about you than Microsoft. Which I have no reason to defend, I just don't like hearing B.S. knee-jerk comments which are as ill-considered as any equally ignorant racist/phobic remarks that are so popular with the small thinkers on this planet.

Sorry to so blunt banjar but if you want to throw muck around, expect to get some on yourself.
PS This was a rhetorical remark no reply is necessary :mrgreen:

Viewers will be now returned to their normal transmission, apologies for any inconvenience. :P
Yeah, you're right. I've been using the Microsoft OS since DOS 3.0, so my opinion isn't based in any experience at all. My state-of-the-art Eagle PC running on two 5.5 inch floppies with about 512 k of memory and no HD, was the latest technology then, switching out floppies between program floppy and working floppy was nostalgic. Yeah, I have a lot of experience with MS beta releases disguised as market-ready products. That's my opinion about Vista whether you like it or not. And, O Mighty Computer Guru, I am always happy to share my opinion whether you like it or not.
Last edited by banjar on Sat May 23, 2009 12:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by chucky »

Yeah and I learned arithmetic on an abacus , that doesn't make me Fibonacci .

Sounds like somebody needs a mac.....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by dueyftw »

Sorry chucky, but it seems that I'm not alone in the simple fact that Vista was not ready for the market. I'm not alone, search the web and you will find other people giving real examples of Vista not doing what other OS do routinely.

I have figure out what was wrong with the icons, the setting was change. NOT MY ME!. Beside who would have "Always show icons, never thumbnails?" Some one was smoking the good stuff when writing the code and options for this Vista. This is the kind of BS that Vista user have to put up with.

I have gone from 95 to xp and never had the problems that Vista has given me from day one.

Who knows maybe hidden deep somewhere is a button that turn on and off the option to render a avi. and it just got change?

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Post by mkelley »

Gentlemen, please take OS bashing discussions elsewhere -- we're trying to help someone who needs it. Saying his OS is the problem is okay as an observation IF that's what you truly believe and IF there is evidence to support that (point him to a web page that shows Vista problems with export to AVIs). But otherwise that remark (AND all of the pros and cons following it) are worthless.

Start a new thread if you like but let's keep on point here.
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Post by chucky »

So you hadn't chosen the right settings.
Ok. No problems... I stand corrected.
When windows 7 comes out you guys should better be both on macs .
Sorry for the digression....over and out.
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Post by ngh903 »

Alright. All we need now is for heyvern to comment. :D But I think he's in pitched combat with dazza101 :D

About my export problem. I just exported a six second animation to avi then I tried exporting it again, but it won't. It's the same problem as before.

About Windows. I've worked with XP and Vista. I thik Vista is the best. :lol: Except for this little problem. :(
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