Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by dkwroot »

Here is another idea. Make a "Createshape" function in the MeshLayer or M_Shape class. This way we can create shapes in sublayers while still having a parent layer selected.

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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by synthsin75 »

Any reason you don't just have the script select the sublayer, create the shape, and select the original layer again?
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by dueyftw »

dkwroot wrote:Here is another idea. Make a "Createshape" function in the MeshLayer or M_Shape class. This way we can create shapes in sublayers while still having a parent layer selected.

The workaround is not to place the layers into a switch until your ready to animate them. That way you have all the drawing tools and can toggle on and off other layers. It would be nice if someone would make a scroll tool and an onion skin between layers. :)

Or you could setup a smart bone and draw in the action. But you need to override the drawing tools. With the override the drawing tools don't work quite right. And this method can crash.


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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by dkwroot »

synthsin75 wrote:Any reason you don't just have the script select the sublayer, create the shape, and select the original layer again?
That was my original plan. I'm testing it out now. It looks promising. :D

btw, do you know where I can find a list of all of the reserved functions? I'm not talking about executing functions, but the reserved functions that we build our scripts in.

For example:

OnMouseMoved(moho, mouseEvent)

and so on. I'm asking because from time to time I see an obscure one like: NonDragMouseMove() and I'd like to know them all.

Thanks duey, but I'm actually building a script to make FBF easy. I've got it working almost perfectly now and it works with onion skinning. I think people are really going to enjoy it. :wink:
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by synthsin75 »

dkwroot wrote:btw, do you know where I can find a list of all of the reserved functions? I'm not talking about executing functions, but the reserved functions that we build our scripts in.

For example:

OnMouseMoved(moho, mouseEvent)

and so on. I'm asking because from time to time I see an obscure one like: NonDragMouseMove() and I'd like to know them all.
No, I'm afraid the only documentation of those is seeing how they are used in a script. If I remember correctly, NonDragMouseMove() is what allows transform tool cursors and hover selections (like the dots that appear at the ends of bones) to change dynamically, by moving the mouse without clicking (hence without dragging) anything.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by hayasidist »

there's some documentation in <your custom file path>\Anime Studio Pro\Extra Files\Lua

if you dig into that .zip, there's a another folder moho_scripting. extract those, and then invoke index.htm (you might have to play around with paths to make it work?) that is the original moho5 documentation that will help a bit.

the updated functions are in the pkg_XXX.lua_pkg but without the narrative explanation.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by Pesto »

Hi all,
I apologize ahead of time if these features were already mentioned but with over 23 pages of responses it would have taken all day to check. :)

First, my background. I explain my background because my feature requests are based on my experience with other software and with ASPro. I am not an expert by any means, far from it, but a serious hobbyist. I used Moho in the day when I was also learning 3D animation with Hash's Animation Master (v8). I then went on to take one of the online character animation programs to learn Maya and how to animate. Money well spent IMO.
I own a small business and part of my job involves being a professional lecturer and beta tester. I use After Effects and Motion (certified instructor) to create compelling graphics. I have used TBStudio (v8.1) ever since version 6. I played around with TBA Pro2 and TBA3. I have used Flash and Illustrator. I turned to 2D animation (from 3D) after deciding if was more rewarding for me. I then took a year and a half off of all software and carried around a sketchbook and just drew.

For me, ASPro's animation system (bones, motion graph, etc...) is far beyond other competing products like TBS, TBA, and even Harmony(to a degree). Flash can't compare for animation when compared to ASPro and that is why a lot of Flash animators have turned to TB. Guys like Dermot O Connor and Adam Phillips. There are two main features, to me, that prevents ASPro adoption by the commercial masses - 1-Drawing tools and 2-GUI. Let me explain.

Thou the drawing tools in ASPro are ok, they can be much easier and better. Boy would I love for masking to be done with things like a simple "draw inside" button! I am currently using Affinity Designer to replace Illustrator and its' toolset is just what ASPro needs. I even prefer Flash tools for design work over ASPro (take a look at Justin Dike's work and tutorials at CartoonSmart). Now yes, you can import but I believe (and I could be wrong) but it is much better to draw inside the program you animate in for compatibility issues can occur. A toolset of boolean operations like the "pathfinder" dialog would be great. Even just a "draw top layer" function like in TBS would enable one to create characters more easily. I guess I could go on......

The GUI. Thou I don't mind it at all, many "pros" (and I quote that judge ASPro by the GUI (and price). I am no programmer but I would think this is not that hard to change vs. add new features. A cleaner GUI, better icons (i.e. flat design), etc..., would be a very welcome addition. I saw someone didn't like the frame "0" thing to draw. I can't disagree. How about a 3 tab program where one is labelled "Create" another "Rig", and the third "Animate"? Separating the toolsets would be nice as far as appearance. These tabs would of course communicate and update one another. For studios, you would have to incorporate a networking feature of course.

Lastly, I say this as a 24+ year business owner who has changed the biz model many times to stay up with the changes. You guys (and gals) first need decide who you want your audience to be, and please don't limit yourself. Setting short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals is paramount. Identify your target and sub-target audiences. Develop ways to get your message out there. Embrace people out there that have "influence". Like the ones I have mentioned. The talent I see on the forum - people like Victor, Furpuss, etc... should be spotlighted and not just in the Lost Marble forums. Yes this all requires resources, but I think it is fair to say everyone on this forum would love ASPro to truly go "Pro" and would gladly help. I have often participated in Roundtable meetings where we saw upcoming products, used them, gave feedback, etc... We even evaluated marketing direction! From these meetings every company prospered and succeeded their competitors. Food for thought :)

In closing, you all are doing a great job with this app and I (we) salute you. I think you are so close. I look forward to seeing ASPro grow!

Best of luck, you have my business!
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by ruscular3d »

I wish there was a bake action after calculating dynamics, so that one could go back in a tweak points after baking a dynamics effect. could be useful for fight scene, and crashes.

I would also like to be able to apply decal to a flat geometry, and then be able to rig a skeleton to a set of of points with the decal intact.

and of course the symmetry tool in construction of mirror object. mesh and skeleton.

I wish there was a mesh warp tool to create perspective changes in animation and making black hole effect of shrinking the object thru a hole. Mesh warp would also help create towering building.

or even a simple perspective transformation tool, similar to photoshop.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by EHEBrandon »

I think it would be cool to have effect features such as color correction, sharpen, glow, etc... To make a comparison the Japanese studio default program RETAS Pro has this. I think it would be cool if Anime Studio Pro had a enhancements and more effects added here is a screen shot from my computer of what I'm talking about.


I think it would also be cool if we had drawing tools like Photoshop. I think a different the interface could be slighty changed.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by synthsin75 »

ruscular3d wrote:I would also like to be able to apply decal to a flat geometry, and then be able to rig a skeleton to a set of of points with the decal intact.

...I wish there was a mesh warp tool to create perspective changes in animation and making black hole effect of shrinking the object thru a hole.
Have you tried image texture fill effect, the perspective points tool, and the Warp/Black Hole menu script?
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by ruscular3d »

synthsin75 wrote:
ruscular3d wrote:I would also like to be able to apply decal to a flat geometry, and then be able to rig a skeleton to a set of of points with the decal intact.

...I wish there was a mesh warp tool to create perspective changes in animation and making black hole effect of shrinking the object thru a hole.
Have you tried image texture fill effect, the perspective points tool, and the Warp/Black Hole menu script?
I have not where is that and is their a script to lock on to only the set of points that you want to manipulate tool, or hide all others?

I found the script for perspective point tool! I am a newbie to script! I got a lot to catch up!
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by ulrikhunskjaer »

Like many others, I often use stroke to make legs or arms.

But it's always tricky, because the end of the stroke always is rounded.
Unlike the end of a sleeve or pants, which, at least in cartoons, is more sharp and 'square like'

So, please make the posibility to chose if I want a rounded or sharp end to mig strokes :-)
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by synthsin75 »

ulrikhunskjaer wrote:Like many others, I often use stroke to make legs or arms.

But it's always tricky, because the end of the stroke always is rounded.
Unlike the end of a sleeve or pants, which, at least in cartoons, is more sharp and 'square like'

So, please make the posibility to chose if I want a rounded or sharp end to mig strokes :-)
You can disable the round "end caps" of a selected shape in the advanced style window.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by braj »

I haven't read through this whole thread, but gradient presets in the Gradients dialog would be mighty helpful.
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Re: Help Shape the Future of Anime Studio

Post by ulrikhunskjaer »

synthsin75 wrote:
ulrikhunskjaer wrote:Like many others, I often use stroke to make legs or arms.

But it's always tricky, because the end of the stroke always is rounded.
Unlike the end of a sleeve or pants, which, at least in cartoons, is more sharp and 'square like'

So, please make the posibility to chose if I want a rounded or sharp end to mig strokes :-)
You can disable the round "end caps" of a selected shape in the advanced style window.

Thanks ;)
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