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web page design feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:42 am
by bupaje
Hi. I talked the boss into letting me set up a web site. Here is my first quick go at the design. A few things will still change but I could use feedback.

First the company does remodeling, decks, hardie siding and custom cabinetry mostly for well off communities.

I intend to make a better wood background texture -shooting for a feel of the work we do, wood trim, an inset wood border, maybe a second layer with some shadowing -say marble or even a rug that will appear raised on top of the wood layer and the main page body on a sort of parchement or eggshell type background. The other trim will look like moldings and such.

Anyhow give me your thoughts. I have banged out a lot of pages over the years but most were strictly for content sites -tutorials and the like- and most of my layouts where very block -function over form - to easily find and categorize info.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:26 pm
by jahnocli
I like it, but there are some things I'd change if it was me. For example, the text in the navigation panel should be right-centred (in my opiniion); it looks a bit lost over there on the left.

Also, if I'm seeing a web site for the first time, I want to know what it is. This could be anything connected with domestic design. Just a sentence or two about what you do, a mission statement... something...

Everything is very neat -- perhaps you need a wood shaving or two by way of contrast?

These comments are intended to be constructive -- it's a nice, clean design.


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:15 pm
by kdiddy13
I like it. Nice and simple. Clean. Someone looking for remolding services isn't looking to be entertained so doesn't need Flash and a load of other stuff to distract you. I'm thinking of my parents and whether they would be able to get what they needed from this site. I think yes.

My one thought would be that the scale may be a bit large. I'm not sure if it's just because the jpeg was that big or the site will really display at that size. I would suggest that you make it so it doesn't need a screen size set to anything larger than 800x600. Like I said, think about who is going to use this page and what are they likely to have as a computer. Relatively slow processor=no flash, possible dial-up=compressed pictures, relatively small screen=keep to max of 800x600, looking for specific information=clear links+easy to navigate.

Aside from the screen size (and even that may already be addressed), I think you've hit the mark on all of the key points I would consider important for such a page. I think you're on the right track for who the intended audience is going to be. Keep in mind that I'm not a web design guru by any means, I just know what I like. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:44 pm
by bupaje
Thank you for the very useful comments. Will incorporate suggested changes.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:05 am
by bupaje
Sorry to bug you all again but I welcome the feedback -I work in the office all alone so hard to get an opinion from anyone besides the mirror.

Here it is in progress. Comments welcome.

Still need to update the pages below the gallery page as I changed the templates a little and moved the shared nav stuff into a seperate file to make it easier to maintain. Need to add the links page -just putting together a few blurbs from some vendors we use- and also want to try to find a simple example of putting a password page for the 'Files' link. Right now the system pops up the box but wanted to see if I could link to a page where they enter the password to get access to the directory instead. I also am struggling with the feedback form a little.

The code is messy -not the worst but could be better. I started out with inline styles and tables, used a utility to help move all inline styles into a seperate style sheet, then went back later and began updating to XHTML, then added yet more code inline stuff -you get the idea. I cook the same way -always tweaking and adjusting. :)

Looks Nice ...

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:58 am
by Yooperville
Didn't look over the code, but it's a nice clean layout that emphasizes the product and navigates quickly. The only quibble I can come up with is in the Gallery. When a picture is opened, navigation defaults to the row of images at the top, but there's no visual indicator of this, or any way to navigate the entire series without opening another image to advance the series. Adding arrows (or something) at ends of thumbnail row might help. Otherwise, great. Nice job.

Have you tried N/vu yet?

It has limits, but it's not a bad way to handle simple CSS. You can tweak an in-line style as you build your layout, and then export that, when it's ready, into a class/etc. which you can eventually move into your main editor. Right-click DOM line at bottom of screen to access in-line styles.

Best -- Greg.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:16 am
by bupaje
Thanks for the feedback. I actually downloaded and tried NVU for a personal site I want to build. I't works pretty good, and you can't beat the price. Probably something I'm doing wrong -as I only used it for the first time yesterday- but a couple of times I changed properties of some styles only to find them reverted later. Didn't seem to be a reason for it, jsut sometimes didn't stick.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:00 pm
by kdiddy13
Very nice. Clean and easy to navigate.

I agree though that the gallery (after opening an image), is a bit cumbersome/confusing. It took me a second to realize that you had a rotating list of pics. It may be a bit heady for the clientel you're aiming for, even though it is a pretty cool concept. Also, you loose almost all of your sidebar links, About Us, Quote, and Links, turn into "Link".

Also, if you click on files, the password pop-up won't let you go back to the page without clicking cancel about 5 times. Is there a different password entry system that you can use? It may turn people off if they click on that out of curiosity and keep getting hassled for the password.

Anyway, I really like the nice clean and simple design. I think it highlights the product very nicely without distracting from it. I wish more websites would follow this idea of cleanliness and simplicity.

Very nice job.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:10 pm
by bupaje
Thanks kiddy13. I will add the arrows for navigation -truthfully I had them up there at first but they made the page height longer than the other pages and I didn't want to resize my images. :) There is a saying in spanish "El flojo trabaja doble." Meaning 'The lazy man works twice as hard." I should have fixed it the first time. :)

The links on the pages below the gallery aren't working yet as I changed the templates to put the the link section all into one file and insert it when page is loaded -so if I want to change the links I only change on file to show on all pages. Just have to go in and fix all the photo pages to include this.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:26 pm
by ralphrubbish
i think it looks good...nice and simple. the only thing that seems odd to me is the top bar where the logo is...its awfully lonely up there. i don't know what to suggest that wouldn't change your whole format...but it just seems like alot of space to the right of the logo. maybe you could put what jahnocli was talking about up there with the logo "Just a sentence or two about what you do, a mission statement... something..." also, when you click on "gallery" or "about," the logo dissapears and that impact font comes out of nowhere. you may want to keep the logo up in the corner on every page...i honestly don't think you'd even need those titles up top - you could just disable the button in the navbar on the left and make it dark or "selected."

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:40 pm
by bupaje
Thanks for the feedback. Just got the feedback form to work right -who knows where those first 9,999 test emails went. ;)

I am going to tackle the password page now and see what can be done -thanks.

I also was a bit unsatisfied with the top. I've tried using the logo on the other pages but didn't like it alone however maybe I need to rethink it a bit. I might be able to put the logo on the left and an image on the right as a background that fades from right to left and put some text on top -or forgoe the text and put that as a simple title in the body of each page....

Anyway thats for the useful ideas.

It's Not You ...

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:08 am
by Yooperville
N/vu bug can overwrite a style while you're working on it. Hopefully v1.0 won't have that feature :wink: .

Sorry -- Greg.