PAID WORK for a Moho artist!

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PAID WORK for a Moho artist!

Post by Anthony »

Hi All,
Fantastic program and i've just viewed some fantastic examples of what can be done. I wish i had more time to get into Moho but alas...

The History:
I currently have a boxing management game on the web which is selling ok but the graphics are dreadful! I feel with improved graphics and animation the game could be/sell even better.
For more info and to download a free 3 day trial click on the link below:

The Brief:
Ideally i would like the office to be fully interactive and have a more realistic look. The fight-night scenario could be much improved with more detailed graphics (ie: the boxers actually have arms!) better knockdowns and animation. Im sure some bright spark will know exactly where this is coming from and more importantly where it should go next!

The Pay:
Owing to the quality of the graphics this is currently a budget release ($10 / £5) although i feel with the improvements it would be worth double.
My proposal is $94 / £50 to the successful applicant upon completion of the work OR a 50% share in all revenue generated after completion for the lifetime of the work.

The Bottomline:
If you are interested please respond with examples of your work and some backround information. This thread will remain open until an applicant has been chosen so please apply sooner rather than later! If you're the best person for the job dont miss out! Thanks for your time.
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Post by Hiddicop »

Could you give a more precise description of what you want? Is it just the office and the fight-night? And more precisely what do you meen with a "fully interactive" office?

If you want to see some of my work you could check this topic:

They look like crap, I know, but I didn't try hard either. I'd say I could make alot better then that, so please don't judge me on that crap I made. I'll post something better if I'm intrested in this, once I've got my questions answerd.
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Post by Anthony »

Hi there,
As you will see from the game a cartoon style has been chosen by ability rather than desire! Although this does give the game a unique angle i have received a lot of requests from users to make the game more realistic.

By 'fully interactive office' i am suggesting that animation could be applied to the office elements.

Currently i am looking for someone to improve the artwork based on the images used in the game, ie: replace the current office.jpg with a new office.jpg and to make improvements to the display of the boxers but continue to use the same amount of animation frames. By viewing the graphics in the installation folder this will become apparent.

Although an initial 'payment for work done' basis can be applied ideally i would like to find a skilled artist/animator interested in a long term project and revenue share. If that is the case here then the game would be yours to shape as you wish, the better the better!

Thanks for the link. Your work was among some of the 'fantastic examples' i saw before posting. You want an idea? I think this counts!
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Post by Hiddicop »

Ok, I started playing around making a office. I just started, and then run into a problem. The interactive objects, the red-blue objects, should they be the same, or do you want them changed to? I might as well show you what I've done so far, so you can say what style you want. The plant dosen't really follow the style of the rest of the room, so I'm going to change it, but is it something like this you want?

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Post by Anthony »

Hi Hiddicop,
Thanks for your efforts.
To be honest im not exactly sure what i want but i think i'll know it when i see it! The game currently has a strong Red Vs Blue theme throughout so that made the gradient choice logical. I guess the more realistic the room becomes the more out of place the current interactive elements style will be. It will then be the artist' decision as to how the clickable areas will be made easily recognisable.

Please dont rush the postings/examples, i have dedicated this month to finding the art i am looking for. You obviously have a lot of skill but i'd like to see you really push yourself into an artistic fever and find out, to both our benefits, exactly how good it could be.
The same applies to anyone else interested in a challenge!
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Post by Agent »

What sort of elements do u exactly want in the office?
It would help :)
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Post by Agent »

What about this?
I have't finished it yet, just i want to know if you like it because if u dont i wont continue it. So let me know. :)

Last edited by Agent on Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Anthony »

Hi Agent,
Thanks for your efforts.

I like the example, nice almost retro style and the colour choices are good for a screen which is viewed for extended periods.
If you are in possession of a copy of the game you will be aware which elements are used in the office. It can be downloaded here:

Take a look at the current office.jpg file as this is the starting point. Ideally i'd like to go for more realistic, professional and i guess...gorgeous! I know, not much to ask for!

As stated, there is no rush here and at worst, i'll get a feel for your style and you'll get a great example for your portfolios! No lose situation.
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Post by Agent »


Ok so i wont continue it :) except if you have any finished ideas that i could follow. But i dont think you should search here than, because u cant realy do more realistic things in moho. You should try on any 3d fourm and etc.
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Post by Anthony »

Hi Agent,
Thanks for your efforts.
office.jpg would be a template but idealy im looking original work.
I wouldn't be too sure about the 'cant realy do more realistic things in moho' statement. I've seen some pretty impressive things done here!
The office isn't the only issue, it also involves the fight-night graphics, ie the boxers boxing! 2D Animation im sure is a strong point for Moho.

This project is listed on 3d forums and on rentacoder. I shall serve a notice near the end of the month on this forum to all interested parties.

Keep up the good work Moho'ers! Remember you dont know until you try just how good it could be!

My email address for all interested is
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Post by Hiddicop »

Ok, once again I post a uncopleted file. Is this the kind of style your looking for? As I said it is uncomplete. There are shadows missing, the chair looks as if it's flying (btw, it looks awful period, so I'm probably going to completly remove it), the red-blue objects are just copied and pasted so they aren't fixed with at all (therefor the black corners on the computer and some other stuff) but that can easily be fixed. I just wonder if this is the wanted style. I can change anything you want.

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Post by Anthony »

Hi Hiddicop,
Thanks for writing and your efforts.

It's certainly an improvement but as you state it is incomplete. Style-wise it needs to be consistent, your image currently has a great of variety between hard/soft focus, plain/depth detail etc which will place it in no-mans land between realism & fatasy. How many offices have you seen with a carpet like that? Whoa! That is some carpet! :) Also i agree on the chair.
If possible i'd like to see your interpretation on the boxers themselves as i feel this will really suit your style.

See below current game images, office & boxers for all curious. If you can improve these have a go and let me know! :D

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Post by Anthony »

Hi all,
Please note this opportunity will be ending this month.
All interested parties should provide their final examples/mock ups and background information before tuesday 1st March.

Please send your information to

Thank you to all involved. Good luck!

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Post by Hiddicop »

Ok, now it's starting to look more like a finished image. Though it looks a bit empty, especially in the upper-right corner. If you want something added to it just tell me what.


About the boxers... There actually isn't much to be done about them. I suppose you still want them from above. Do you want arms? Just tell me what you want and I'll fix it.

I did an exampel, and here it is (in large and small format):



There isn't much to be said about my background (As a matter of fact, I'm still working on it). I hope that doesn't matter to much, cause something must be the first thing.
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Post by Anthony »

Hi Hiddicop,
That is looking real good! You're right about the empty feeling though, maybe bringing the table/chair forward toward the viewer would help. Few more items knocking about would help too! :)
The clickable elements don't have to be rips off the game they can/should be original to fit the design. Carpet is m u c h better! :D

As for the boxers the arms are essential but the background is not required as the image should be served on a flat black colour.
Ideally were looking at arms, muscle definition and smaller heads! :)
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