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No sound when exporting animation. URGENT

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:38 am
by jose1984alberto
hello everybody, im having some trouble when i export my animation, it doesnt export the sound at all.

i added the soundtrack to my animation, but when i export it, i cant hear anything, wat would be the problem? am i doing something wrong, the audio file is an aif.

please someone help me, its urgent, give me the proper steps to acheive an efective render

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:29 am
by rylleman
I think you need some other format than aif for
audio export. Try using wav.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:48 pm
by Mikdog
Try WAV.

ALSO, if you're exporting from frame 0, try from frame 1. Or, if you're exporting from frame 1, try from frame 0.

This nailed me before too. My bet is its the frame 0 or frame 1 settings in the EXPORT ANIMATION dialog box.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:51 pm
by jose1984alberto
yeah, tried that, and AS crashes :? is there some sort of compresion i should make to the wav file??

and, how would you import an audio file to your animation and later export the animation with it? please explain as if i were a 5 year old, there might be something wrong with wat im doing.

and for mikdog, actually i need a certain segment of frames, not the whole range of them, from the 800 to the 2546 to be exact, im still gonna try rendering from 0 though, ill come back with the answer soon.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:03 pm
by dueyftw
I'm assuming that you are exporting to a video editor with at least 2 tracks? Save your current AS to a File. Mute the sound. Export video and import the sound and video as two different tracks. This should solve your problem for the moment, then start trying different coedc's setting or what ever? I don't know what your doing wrong, or what wrong with your computer, or wrong with the coedc's, or, or,or.....


Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:10 pm
by rylleman
jose1984alberto wrote:...and for mikdog, actually i need a certain segment of frames, not the whole range of them, from the 800 to the 2546 to be exact, im still gonna try rendering from 0 though, ill come back with the answer soon.
There's your issue right there...
AS only export audio when exporting from frame 1! (or from start-frame of the sequence, not sure which since I haven't used movie render from within AS for a long time).

If you run linux (but since you're using .aif I'd guess Mac?) you could use my linux render script to get renders with audio from any range, if not I think you're out of luck with this.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:10 pm
by jose1984alberto
im using a pc, if you have a script for that, please let me know.

im rendering the file right now, the whole thing starting from 0 to 9000, its gonna take a while, ill come back with the results.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:34 pm
by Mikdog
You could also just add the sound in another compositing program. That'd make life a lot easier. In AS6 you could probably do that.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:38 pm
by jose1984alberto
is AS 6 already available???, my version is 5.6...

please keep posting more solutions...

still, no one has yet explained to me how to add sound and export it, just in case im doing something wrong

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:10 pm
by Mikdog

too sarcastic for this family-fun forum. My bad.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:38 am
by jose1984alberto
that was so out of place, no sarcasm was necesary, i justa wanted to know if there was something else i could do, obviosly i would have to post edit, but thats not the idea. and i AM reading all of the answers, if it bothers you so much, than thanks but no thanks, your help is not required

and im also asking for somebody the explain me the steps of adding and exporting a sound in AS, just in case im missing something, skipping a step, i dont know, please

this is some of the animation that im working on, its very basic right now, still, comment are welcome, thanks

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:55 am
by heyvern
What is the urgency? Is it "real" urgency? The one thing I often can't tell is when someone is in desperate need for help or just very very very impatient. ;).

Is this a deadline looming for a paying job? If so is there money in the budget to buy something?

9000 frames is A LONG ANIMATION. I would NOT try to render that whole thing out to a single movie file. If it crashes all your time is wasted. It there is a tiny but bad mistake.... you have to render the whole thing from the beginning. If 30 seconds before it finishes rendering, something goes wrong, you must start over (it's happened to me).

You need to render out to an image sequence and use some other application to composite the audio. That is where buying something tried and true would help you.

If you have $29.99 you can buy QT Pro. Runs on Windows. This will import an image sequence from AS, and you can open the wav audio file, copy and paste it into the imported sequence. Then just "export" to virtually any format you need (except WMV ;) This is Apple).

I have done this many times. Just because it's a simple cheap application doesn't mean it doesn't do a good job. As long as the audio was in sync before you rendered then it lines up perfectly with an image sequence import. For 30 bucks QT pro is a good value for this type of thing. It can't do fancy editing or layering of video but for stuff like this it is handy.

You could wait for AS 6 early next week but if you have a deadline I STRONGLY advise against this. Not because AS 6 is "bad" but because you are on a deadline. You don't want to switch applications or versions in the middle of a project. QT Pro for 30 dollars as a quick solution makes more sense.


If there is no money to buy something then what makes this urgent? A contest entry? A school project? Look for open source tools that can composite audio and video... I'm a bit too tired to come up with a list right now. I use iMovie. I am sure there are similar Windows applications. Do a search on Google.


Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:09 am
by mkelley
Microsoft Movie Maker (free) ought to do the job -- haven't looked at it in a LONG time but it's amazingly full featured for a freebie (kind of MS trying to compete with iMovie, I think).

Vern's given you excellent advice -- no pro here would ever think of trying to render out a complete animation other than something very very short (and then not for pro use but for testing purposes). Render to BMPs and put them together in MS Movie Maker.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:26 am
by jose1984alberto
yeah, im very aware that rendering the whole animation isnt the smartest thing to do, thats why im not doing it, as i said on the begining of the thread, i need the render a certain number of frames (from 800 to 2500 and something). I still did the whole thing just to see if the problem was cus i was just rendering part of it, but no, as you could see on the vid on youtube...

im obviously going to solve it on postproduction (im using after efects cs3, and premier), i just wanted to save me the trouble of having to match the music with the lipsync at that specific frame, i know its not a big deal, but it would be a time saver if i could export it directly from AS, specially since theres going to be some scenes. That was the obvios solution, i just wanted to know if i was doing somethin wrong, or another way out.

I dont know if im making myself clear, my native languege is spanish, so its kind of a headache traying to translate my situation to english, haha.

and for the "wat do you mean about 'urgency'" or watever guy... does it matter?? but if you must know, the scene i posted on youtube is part of a bigger animation, one of my parts of the project was the range of frames mentioned above, the actual scene has background and other animation going on, i just didnt add them cus, in first place, im not allowed, and in second place, i just wanted to show the important part.... aaaaand also se wat you guys thought, as a short animation and fluidity (is that word right?) point of view.

Well, im just going to move along, but still, if someone has a script or something, or a helpful advice, i would really apreciate it, i just hope im not bothering, if i am, just ignore me and dont waste your time (and mine) with sarcastic and/or unuseful posts.


i hope i can post the result of the final animation, i really want you guys to see the final product :D

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:28 pm
by heyvern
You see? Knowing more about your work flow, how your part is being used, helps us understand. I apologize for my rude question. I didn't mean to be rude. Knowing the reasons for why you need to do something a certain way is VERY VERY helpful in finding a solution.

By rendering out that small section and not the whole thing, it makes it more difficult to add in the sound, as you said, due to having to match up the audio to the frames. In a "normal" situation all the frames would be rendered and placed in one project file in Premier or the audio would be "chopped" into sections that are predetermined so they line up.

Premier is fine for doing this. The problem comes from your need to render out a section that is causing problems. AS 6 solves this completely because you can render any section and the sound at that point is correct. AS 5 will only render the sound from the "beginning" so you can't export "sections".

Here's what you need to do to make this work in Premier and AS 5.6. I am going to assume that the frames per second (fps) in AS and in Premier are exactly the same.

Set the time display to show as SMTP in AS. This will show you minutes:seconds. Go to the spot you need to start your render and make note of the exact time in the time line. Render to image sequence just the length you need.

In your Premier project load in your image sequence and your audio track. Crop the audio track to START at the time stamp you noted in the AS file. The image sequence and the audio should now start at the same point and be in sync.

I hope this works. I haven't used Adobe Premier in years... many years. I assume there is a way to "crop" audio tracks to a specific time code. I use an old version of After Effects and can do this.
