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Set Origin making layer move as well?? (beta2 bug?)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:40 am
by spasmodic_cheese
Hey, I just importedan ai file into a layer, i translated it and moved it into a position then relaized i needed to set my origin point.

so when i tired the layer was moving around has i moved the origin point with the set origin tool...

this does not happen if i dont move the layer beforehand...

is this supposed to happen?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:43 am
by 7feet
I've been seing that, but it gets particularly strange if you've translated a layer a few times in 3D space. It would seem that the origin point determines the layers "distance" for depth sorting. I put together a whole series of 3D buildingd to import as objects for background, and then realized after I had to set the origins so I wouldn't have bits disappearing if you moved around them. If they've been translated in 3d space, they move in completely unexpected and seemigly random directions. If it's intended, its a behavior that could drive you nuts(it did me).


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:59 am
by Lost Marble
Did you also rotate them in 3D space? The problem is that the layer origin indicates the center of rotation. So, if you rotate a layer, then change its origin, the rotation will be completely different from what you had before, particularly if it's a 3D rotation. It's not that this is intended behavior, it's more an ugly fact of life. We may be able to improve it for 2D layers, but once you start moving things around in 3D, changing the origin will by definition change the overall position of the layer.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:18 am
by spasmodic_cheese
i was just using 2d

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:40 am
by 7feet
Dang, those ugly facts. Thanks LM. As it seems that is the way its gonna go, I was trying to figure out which way I was going to get nudged. I'll just have to plan for it. Only surprised 'cause there are too many new features and too little new manual. All in good time.

Also, I just tried the same thing as spasmodic_cheese. The issue seems to be if the layer was scaled. If the layer is just translated 2D, all is well. If the layer is also scaled, it moves in something like proportion to the scaling factor.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:05 am
by spasmodic_cheese
yup thats correct, sorry =)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:06 am
by 7feet
Actually, I would think that if you scale the layer, it should scale the origin with it so you don't get things bouncing around like that. If you translate the layer in the Z dimension, it doesn't happen. Or scale the points. It's a wee bit odd. I just checked and 4.6 does the same thing, but unless it's something irreperable in the code it's a little screwey. Might cause some incompatibility issues with older files, though...