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Interface Enhancement and Bugs

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:11 am
by wmartinez
Here's my wish list just for interface.

Grid like input for Phrases:
Doing a long wave file with 5 voices I found too difficult to manipulate the phrases, since they usually cover almost all the wave file. For example, the wave was 3000 frames long and I have 2 phrases. The first should start at frame 1000 and ends at frame 1500, but Papagayo placed it at frame 0. So, I had to move that phrase screen by screen, dragging the beginning until I reached the frame 1500.

The idea is to convert the lower part where you input the text into a grid like (excel type) input. One column should be the initial frame, the other column the end frame and then the text. So, selecting one row (that is one phrase) the upper part flies to the exact frame in the timeline. Changing the values in the grid will adjust the upper part too, making it easier to manipulate start and end positions. The actual PGO file contains that info, so I imagine it should be easy to load it into that grid.

Pre-Selecting the wave frames.
If you are going to add a phrase (and thinking on the grid design above) the button to process the phrase should work only on the selected phrase. Further more, If I know where that phrase plays in the wave, I can preselect the wave portion and when pressing the button it will work only on that selected sound. That will reduce the processing overhead. It would be great if I can play that selected portion of the wave too!

Don't know if this is a bug, but the stop button doesn't work when you double click the phrase bar (it start playing the wave that is covered by the phrase bar, but I can stop it).

Another one is that is it not recognizing contractions, like I'm or don't.

Otherwise, I see it as a great tool! Thanks!
