Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

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Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by rsoden »

Hi all,

After much work I think I might have a version of Papagayo 1.2 working natively on Mac OSX 10.8

I have only been able to test it on my machine but it seems to be working.

My version is based on Ben's (netjunki's) version and uses PyAudio instead of the LM module to deal with the audio. The LM module was the main problem in getting papagayo to run on Lion and Mountain Lion. Since Ben already did the hard work (thank you Ben!) and rewrote the code to use PyAudio I started with it and updated and rewrote sections of code to get it to run. Mostly sections dealing with wxPython had to be updated to reflect changes in wxPython.

*EDIT* See post below for info on where to download the new version *

Also I added 2 phonemes to it ... TH and CH ... as well as a mouth set that uses TH and CH. I did this because it is the set that I personally use. This might cause some confusion if you are importing into MOHO. I import into After effects and wrote a convertor to change the dat files to after effects keyframes. Let me know and I will send you the convertor too. Otherwise if the beta testing goes ok and people want it I will make another version without the extra phonemes.


Last edited by rsoden on Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by Genete »

Re-hurray! \o/
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by nitromaxi2 »

Hello! I'm interested in trying "Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version".
I sent you a pm. Thanks! :wink:
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by marchdigital »


I am very interested in testing your Mac version of Papagayo.


Chris Walker
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by crappypatty »

Super interested in this! (already sent you PM as you requested in the thread)
I just got a new iMac with 10.8 pre-installed on it so I can't use Papagayo on it. I have an old iMac G4 with Tiger on it that I've been keeping for Papagayo and a super old version of Director on it that I'd love to have less of a reason to keep it as it's quite a bit of desk space.
In advance, thank you so much for the hard work on this!
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by rsoden »

Hi all,

Thank you to every one who sent me a PM and your kind words. Sorry if I did not get back to you work took me away from this project for awhile.

I have tested my version of Papagayo 1.2 for Mountain Lion for several weeks now and it seems to work correctly, with very few problems. So I am now releasing it out into the world. No promises that it will work for you - I am not a professional programmer, I am a teacher, I teach animation to kids and use papagayo in class, I needed it to run on Mountain Lion so I took on the project to get it to work for me and my class. The kids just finished their final project and did all of thier lipsyncing with this new version and they had no problems.

I set up a GitHub for this project. So that anyone can download the finished app or source code so that it can be modified.

the Git hub is

If you are a new to github the easiest thing to do is click the download as ZIP button. It will grab all of the files in the repository, including the compiled Move to your applications folder and delete the rest of the files if you want.

A few warnings for those of you that choose to use this version. The audio player is picky about the flavor of wavform that you use. You should use either 44.1k 16bit or 48k 16bit nothing else seems to work, sorry.

Also I have modified this version to use Preston Blair phonemes but with 2 additional phonemes CH and TH. I also added mouthshape pictures from a local company called Powerhouse that uses those phonemes. It should not cause problems but just be aware that you may have to modify the output of papagayo, or modify the code if you run into problems because of the additional phonemes.

In the repository you will also find the source code for the project in a folder call papagayo108 and another app I wrote called PapaAE2. PapaAE2 is a convertor that changes the data from papagayo into time remap keyframe data for Adobe After Effects. It works similarly to the lipsync widget but with fewer errors and frustration. PapaAE also uses the other phoneme set that I use for my personal animation but will convert to Preston Blair if you choose. There is another thread about PapaAE on this board if you would like to know more.

All of the software is offered AS IS but if you run into trouble shoot me a PM and I will see what I can do when I have time.

And if anybody feels like doing some coding... I would really like to see the 1.3.5 changes made to the version I updated but I do not have time to work on that. (In case you are wondering the version I updated does not use the same audio player as the 1.3.5 version. The audio player that 1.3.5 uses can not be used in Mountain lion)

And lastly if any of you would really like to say thank you and support my animation class please send me a PM and I will send you details on how to make a tax deductible donation to my school....

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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by Genete »

Thank you very much for your work!
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by Genete »

I have a question:
Do you have script to create the dmg file? I ask this to allow people create its own packages once the code is modified (say adding new phonemes or modifying the interface)

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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by rsoden »

Papagayo is written in Python with WXpython to create the inteface. To compile it into an app you use py2app. I am pretty sure the script for py2app was included in the source code on the github.(I will check later today to make sure it is on the github and edit) Dmg files are installation / disk image files and I never made one, there really is no need since the compiled app is small.

You can do some changes to papagayo without having to recompile the app. By right clicking the app( or control clicking) and selecting show package contents you can see and modify the python scripts that run the program. You can change the phonemes by going into the contents and in the resources folder you can find the file. Open it with text editor and you can change the mappings of the phonemes. For example if you want to change the TH to an L, you just have to find TH in the list and change it to 'TH':'L' . save the file and you are done. Every time the TH sound comes up papagayo will place an L on the time line. There is no need to recompile the app for small changes.

If you want to add a new phoneme one that is not in Preston Blair then that gets complicated because you have to modify several different parts of the program to make sure that new phoneme is available when you encounter a word that is not in papagayo's dictionary. I am pretty sure you will need to learn some python and py2app to be able to make those kind of changes. -G -- If you have a specific phoneme change in mind PM and and I will see what I can do.

The changes in 1.3.5 are extensive last I heard there was some one working on changing the 1.3.5 to use a different audio player that will be able to be used on OSX 10.8 but I am unsure of the progress. I know that there is now a growing user base of people that use papagayo to animate the phonemes for talking christmas lights so hopefully one of them is a mac person and will want to take on updating the 1.3.5 version.

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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by arglborps »

Will this also work on Mavericks 10.9.3?

The current official release 1.2 won't even launch on Mavericks.
Kilian Muster
Designer (day job), Animator/Creator (in the after hours)
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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by Dorothywl »

I also have OSX 10.9.3
I downloaded the new version from this sight a few months ago and it was working.
Now I can no longer open my wav files. I can open old wav files though.
do the wav files have to be configured a certain way? I don't think I changed anything but maybe I did.

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Re: Announcement: Papagayo 1.2 Mac OSX 10.8 Working Version

Post by muddcliff »

I would download audacity and see if you can open and save it as a wav file
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