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tutorials for Cartoon Solutions

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:53 pm
by toshiyori
I started using Cartoon Solutions Character packages. The arrangement of the segments sometime loose the "Layer Bone Bonding". I have been unable to restore this bonding. What I need is a "Tutorial" from Cartoon Solutions, so far I have nothing on the internet.

Re: tutorials for Cartoon Solutions

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:30 am
by sceech
In the meantime, if you're building human characters, I just posted a "Shortcuts for Character Wizard" on the "Creating a Walk Cycle" Post you had. It's a way to optimize Character Generator for human character builds. Cheers.

Re: tutorials for Cartoon Solutions

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:41 am
by sceech
From the posts you're making, it seems you're a little stuck in getting your Characters ready for use, and you want to get on with bringing them to life. Check out the replies I made, but above it all, remember this about your animations:

The most important thing about your Character is:

#1-the FACE (that's where the audience looks)
#2-the voice (must be likeable, not annoying or lame)

When you have the FACE and VOICE solid, your animations will be liked or disliked based on the WRITING (people want to be entertained). A good, witty message or story matters. Content, content, content, or you'll wonder why people don't react enthused after you spend weeks making something.

Re: tutorials for Cartoon Solutions

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:23 pm
by toshiyori
Thanks Dave. However, the reply you gave me has nothing to do with "Loosing Bonding With Layer" this is what is happening when I substitute a "Spare Arm" for the original. I have a "Caveman" Character from Cartoon Solutions, the character is holding a club in one arm. In one case I wanted the character to be without the club. So I set the "Spare Arm" in the place of the one with the club. It looks good but the "Manipulate Bones Tool" only moves the bones. I have contacted Cartoon Solutions regarding this issue, awaiting reply, Cartoon Solutions has been very cooperative in the past so I'm hopping for some help.
Does any one know of a Anime Studio Animation instructor in West Central Florida ?

Re: tutorials for Cartoon Solutions

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:10 am
by sceech
A caveman would be a pretty easy Character to make in Anime, basically a naked guy with a loin cloth, so not sure why you'd want to have to go third party for it, instead of just doing it in Anime, where you could really customize him to be your own guy.

If it were done in Anime, I'd just duplicate the closed hand Layer (R or L hand, your choice), draw the club in his hand, then I'd always have the option to have club, fire stick, dead animal, spear, whatever you want or just plain hands with on one click.

I don't really use third party characters, because I don't want to risk slow-downs in work flow or risk conflicts, because everything you need is right there in Anime, and if your characters are all original, you get all the credit, instead of someone recognizing "bought" characters, just something to bear in mind...

If there is separation of the Layer from the Bone, you re-attach the Layer to the Bone by going to the Bone Layer, click on the desired Vector Layer, click on the Bind Layer tool, then click on the Bone you want to attach it to. Two clicks, really. The Bone you click on will turn red to indicate you just bound it to that bone.
All the best,

Re: tutorials for Cartoon Solutions

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:19 am
by sceech
Sorry, I meant click on the Bind Layer tool, then click on the Vector Layer you ant to bind, then click on the Bone you want to bind it to... Incredible Turotials has a lot of useful Anime Tutorials, free, online on You Tube.