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Tabloids - Teaser Clip

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:31 pm
by ddrake
Hey all, haven't been able to lurk around as much recently, but I've been hard at work with some more Anime Studio projects.

Here is a promo clip to show in connection with an indiegogo campaign I'm helping with.

Anime Studio was used for the animation and will be for the series if it has a chance to continue. This particular clip was put together with the help of a small team of animators, none of whom had used anime studio before about 4 months ago. (aside from myself)

Please check it out, and if you have it in your heart and wallet to donate to the campaign, we're in the last 11 days and still need a boost to reach the goal. Either way, thank you so much even for your time to check it out! ... n-1#/story

Re: Tabloids - Teaser Clip

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:16 am
by dfaris
Very nice work!

Re: Tabloids - Teaser Clip

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:59 pm
by lwaxana
Cool project! How did you divide the work between the animators? Different people did different shots, one person posed the characters and another moved them, or some other method?

Re: Tabloids - Teaser Clip

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:30 pm
by ruscular3d
I can't believe I got gross out even in cartoon animation! I knew it was coming!

I was waiting for the projectile! I think you should have included it! LOL

Re: Tabloids - Teaser Clip

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:23 pm
by neeters_guy
lwaxana wrote:Cool project! How did you divide the work between the animators? Different people did different shots, one person posed the characters and another moved them, or some other method?
I'd be curious about this too. You list 6 animators in the credits, but it looks like it was all animated by you.

Congrats on getting the project funded. Keep us posted on the series release.

Re: Tabloids - Teaser Clip

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:13 am
by ddrake
neeters_guy wrote:
lwaxana wrote:Cool project! How did you divide the work between the animators? Different people did different shots, one person posed the characters and another moved them, or some other method?
I'd be curious about this too. You list 6 animators in the credits, but it looks like it was all animated by you.
Hey guys thanks for watching!

It was actually kind of a combination of those things. A lot for this teaser was sort of a trial run to get some people up to speed and experiment with AS to best figure out the workflow pipeline stuff, amidst the ongoing learning curve. Also I was kind of jumping in after certain decisions had been made regarding audio/pacing/storyboarding, just trying to get everything together the best I could.

The general setup was that everyone had access to rigs I created (some a little more polished than others) to facilitate basic body and face/mouth movement. With everyone importing characters and creating shot by shot rough versions, to match the storyboard and animatic. Then there were several rounds of sharing, critique and polish.

As for myself, I took on some of the more challenging shots that I knew would go beyond the existing rig capabilities. But I did the final edit and had final pass privilege to tweak and make adjustments to polish as much as I could with time left. :0

Interestingly, the rigs shared were set up for lipsync with both switch layer and Bones for mouth shapes and kind of surprised to see which the animators used, and to what level of effectiveness. (Also kind of amazing to see how quickly newbies can really screw some things up with a rig they are just learning. :shock: One lesson reminder was that if there's a bone that CAN be a shy bone, MAKE IT a shy bone :wink: )