Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

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Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

Post by Reindeer »

Hi I'm quite new to AS. I like it very much, so much that I'm using it for a project. But all of a sudden I've come up against a wall and I can find no solution. I'll try to explain.

I have my character rigged with a bone layer containing a number of body part layers, and he works pretty well.

As I go along animating I will sometimes add 'deep' keyframes (animation menu command) because I also want to do some point animation in the lower layers. As an example, let's say I want the character to lower his head and frown.
So, I keyframe on the starting position and I keyframe again on the end position.
On the second keyframe I lower the head with his head bone (which is parented to the other facial layers, mouth, eyes, etc). Great.
Now I go into his head layer, meaning the layer which contains the head vector shape, and on the second keyframe (which has of course been created from the top) I operate a few changes to the points so I get a little deformation for his frown.
So far so good, but now I crash against an apparently unsolvable problem: if I want to change the position of my second keyframe (head down and frowning) by a few frames, say move it from frame 10 to frame 15 for timing's sake, how can I do this without moving the keyframes on each layer?
Is there a way to drag a keyframe from the bone layer in such a way that it will also move all the keyframes on the sub layers?

In my example I am talking just about two layers, so I can pretty easily do them one at a time. But say I'd want to change stuff on three or four or more, the simple task of moving a keyframe along the timeline would be very time consuming (plus prone to errors).

I hope I've explained the problem well enough. Thank you!
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Re: Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

Post by drumlug13 »

There was a "Key Tool" script that worked in previous versions. I don't think it's been updated since version 9. (I'm drawing a blank on the author's name)

I was hoping that it would have been hardwired into the software itself. The script had a Global Nudge, and you could select how many frames to nudge... It was a masterpiece. I'm hoping that I'm wrong and that it has been updated and someone will post a link about it here... Sorry, I wish I had more info about it.
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Re: Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

Post by Reindeer »

Than you drumlug13, that's in two words exactly what I meant. Moving entire nested groups of keyframes should be a given, I think, because changes in timing occur so often during work. That script would great.
Another issue related to this one, as far as I can tell, is the inability to add or erase frames easily. Timeline Rescaling command works but I don't find it very straightforward. I find myself often looking for a simple "add / erase X no. frames" command.
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Re: Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

Post by Reindeer »

I have been woking with ASP for a few months now. In fact it's been my main animation software. Without knowing much about it I put it to work on a major project and so far I'm loving it. But as I get further into the swing of it, I do find I'm missing some 'everyday' actions.
One is I really miss the possibility of shifting nested keyframes. If I have a keyframe on a bone, or a group layer, I'd like to be able to grab all the keyframes within (or below, if you like) and move them along together, with one move.
Same said for the simple task of adding and erasing frames. I find the present procedure (Rescale Keyframes) quite complicated and time consuming. I feel the lack of something like Flash's F5 and shift-F5 commands, which just add or subtract space ad you need it.
Both these features would be really useful for all those on-the-fly adjustments one so often has to do.
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Re: Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

Post by drumlug13 »

I haven't installed this script below yet but it may be what you're looking for. (Until an expanded Keytool is hardwired into AS)
These guys are genuises ... geniussesses ....guienuses... Really really smart.... when it comes to scripting and tinkering with AS under the hood. I have to admit when I see them posting script & Lua Code etc, I feel like Dracula staring down a cross. I have about a half dozen scripts installed that are pointless in the newer versions of AS but I can't even remember how to get rid of them.

But if you're comfortable with installing scripts read this post here.

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Re: Shifting keyframes within sub layers?

Post by Reindeer »

That looks good. I'll... try to try it! As you say it would still be good if the good people at Anime Studio just threw that in, or, as you say, would hardwrite it in. Thanks a lot!
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