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Custom Shape Script

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:21 am
by bupaje
Wish I could do some of this instead of tossing out ideas but that's all the game I got right now. :)

I was wondering about the possibility of creating a new type of customizable script that would would allow you to define shapes or perform certain operations and save these as presets. For example does anyone remember this type of filter from Photoshop


You can enter different values into the fields to create many different types of effetcs. I was wondering for example about the scripts to draw triangles, polygons and so on; what about if you could have a shell script that allowed users to enter draw instructions in different boxes and save a preset for a house, or stairs, star, ladder or any other shape? For example

Draw [curve/line] [vertical/horizontal/diagonal] from [x] to [y] repeat [#] times.

Then users could save and share presets for various shapes. Maybe some other fields or effects could be applied as well.

This might allow those who are not programmers to also contribute by coming up with new and unusual presets.

Something for you scripters to think about.