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Moho guts > does it save this info?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:29 pm
by bupaje
Someone asked a question that made me wonder ... when you draw multiple shapes on one layer how does Moho store this info? What I am wondering is if there is hidden info there like Layer 1 [shape1, shape2, shape3] or even points then can you 'Show Hidden Info' so that in the drop down you can show the hidden shape or point info


Layer 1
*hidden shape 1
*hidden shape 2
*point 1

so that if you have a lot of stuff on a layer and can't find a shape any other way you can toggle on this option and maybe access a shape this way.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:55 am
by Lost Marble
Shapes that are hidden behind others are saved in the Moho file, but there isn't a way to bring up a list right now in Moho. A script could do such a thing, and it would probably be very helpful when you need to work on the ordering of shapes in a complex layer. But for now, this does not exist in the UI.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:01 am
by bupaje
Thanks LM, perhaps one of the scripters will consider it or some future Moho version.