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SZ Bake Points

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:03 am
by Stan
Our fellow forum member, cartoonmonkey, has requested a script that would bake the position of all points in all selected layers. Useful if you need to create a smart bone action and want all points to be keyframed at frame 1.

So, here's the script - SZ Bake Points.

Select one or several layers (vector, bone, or other group) and run the script. It will create keyframes for all points in the current frame. You can choose what channels to bake - Position, Width, Curvature.


Download here:

Re: SZ Bake Points

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:40 pm
by Greenlaw
I just tried SZ Bake Points and it's great!

Up to now I made it a habit to key all my point positions by clicking in the shape at frame 1 as soon as I made the Action, but this tool helps streamline the workflow...certainly when there are many layers involved and I forget to click in all of them!

Thanks for creating and sharing this script Stan.

Re: SZ Bake Points

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:12 pm
by Daxel
Thank you, Stan! very useful