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Action Groups Button in Moho 13.5?

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:27 pm
by Ty505
I'm trying to group my actions into folders, I know there used to be a button in older versions of Moho, where is it now? Is it still possible to group actions into folders like how we can with vector or bitmap layers?

Re: Action Groups Button in Moho 13.5?

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:56 pm
by synthsin75
It was in 13.0 but it came with some serious bugs, so they had to remove it.
Maybe one day the new owners will rehash that feature.

Re: Action Groups Button in Moho 13.5?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:45 am
by Greenlaw
Yeah, the grouping feature for Actions in 13 was a neat concept but it didn't work well in practice. IMO, you should skip 13 altogether and use 13.5.5 instead.

What I've always done to manage a large number of Smart Bone Actions is to give them short but descriptive names, and then use the Sort option to force them into alphabetical order. If you want them organized in 'groups', so to speak, give your actions shared group-name prefixes which will keep certain Actions together when sorted. My own production rigs can have as many as 200 Smart Bone Actions, and creating 'groups' like this helps me easily find any of them when I need to edit them. This technique works well in Moho 13.5.5 and 12.5.