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a few questions

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:22 pm
by razorx
alright, I lke the new look of moho 5, and it appears to have more features. I would like to know what does the bone strength do? and torque and all that stuff...I think i spelled that wrong...but whatever. Also, what does the 3d layer do, I created one and I casnt make shapes in it, what does it there for?

Re: a few questions

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:48 pm
by Postality
razorx wrote:alright, I lke the new look of moho 5, and it appears to have more features. I would like to know what does the bone strength do? and torque and all that stuff...I think i spelled that wrong...but whatever. Also, what does the 3d layer do, I created one and I casnt make shapes in it, what does it there for?
Bone strength: is the power the bone has over controlling diffrent points. basically the pinkish red sphere looking thing (grey if they aren't selected) are how far the bone will affect the drawing.

torque force: is the amount of force applied to the bone when the parent is moved. So if the torque is high it will bend much more then a bone set with a lower torque.

3D layers are only used when you import 3D objects from the file menu. OBJ files are created in 3D applications such as 3ds max, truespace etc. for the 2D artist / animator these aren't needed, and no you cannot draw 3D shapes in moho. So just adding a 3D layer will do nothing for you.

hope that explains it for you.

also the other bone settings are this:

spring force: the amount of force applied when reversing direction. basicly when a parent bone if moved and the child bone has bone dynamics on, the spring force is the amount of power it applies for when the bone is foring back and forth. a high spring force value will cause the bone to go back and forth very fast and strong while a lower setting will result in a softer swaying motion. Think of it as a slinky (Low setting) vs a car shocks (High setting)

damping force: the amount of force applied to slow down the dynamics to a stop. if this setting is set to a high number then the bones with dynamics on will almost instantly stop if this setting is low then the bones will sway back and forth for quite some time before stopping. if this setting is set to 0 then the bones will not stop at all and will continue to move.

That should explain it. if you need any other info or anything, I'm always here. good luck. =)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:00 pm
by razorx
ok, all I gotta say about the bone dynamics this is thats cool, although what would you use it for? Maybe examples clips would help. Also about the bone strength, I dont get it, The bone acts the same when the red circle is huge, and when its small.

Well thanks for your reply

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:12 pm
by Postality
razorx wrote:ok, all I gotta say about the bone dynamics this is thats cool, although what would you use it for? Maybe examples clips would help. Also about the bone strength, I dont get it, The bone acts the same when the red circle is huge, and when its small.

Well thanks for your reply
the bone strength is more important if there's 2 bones quite close to eachother, and you want to determine what bone should control the points in-between.

here's an example of bone dynamics at work. the 2 character (more noticibly in the right character) is using bone dynamics to simulate a ragdoll effect.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:23 pm
by Lost Marble
Also, bone strnegth has no effect if you manually bind points to bones. If you do that, then a point will move exactly with the bone it is bound to, regardless of bone strength settings.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:29 pm
by razorx
ah..HA! Totally cool!!!! I had no idea this does that.

Now the only thing is: learning how to use this stuff.

Do you know of any tutorials for like people animation/illustrating?

Like first of all, I'n no artist, so I was wondering if there is any good tutorials out there to teach you how to make good reflections / details and stuff like that.

Also, any human-animating tutorials out there? like walking, jumping, falling. I suck at making a realistic walk.

Thanks so much though, youve been a great help

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:36 pm
by Postality
Okay first, I stongly advise you go through the entire manual for 4.6.1 if you haven't got it, then do so. I cannot stress enough how much you will learn after reading it.

Then there's Myles' site, he's a great guy and his page was one of the first I visited and learned even more.

His site is here: ... index.html

Then there's Steve Ryan's site. I didn't learn much more then I already did but he gives a few basic and easy to learn views on things like simple bone rigging etc.

His site is here:

And soon I'll have my very own moho site to help people such as yourself that are new and want a quick jump on things.

And of course there's the forums here, I'm always here (I should be a moderator, LOL). And if you need help, I will do what I can to help you.

Hope that helps you out.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:45 pm
by 7feet
The bone strength works 2 different ways, depending on the settings you are using. It's a lot more general if you are using the default settings(flexi-binding), but if you go to the "Bones" tab of the Bone Layer's Settings, you'll see the other option, which is Region Binding. The bones effect have a much more limited scope, depending pretty specifically on the bone strength settings. It can be a little tricky to work out, but I find it works well for complex characters.

There are a few things I've used the bone dynamics for, mostly at very light settings. Things like a forearm move just a bit when the upper arm is raised or lowered. It can give a nice subtle bit of movement without having to key everything. Or, say, you could use it to automate a characters head bobbing back and forth a bit in time with their steps during a walk cycle.

One other thing I just used it on. I was rigging a character for a zombie cartoon I was planning on making. I put varying dynamics settings on the several bones in the back, the neck, forearms and hands. Not much, but enough to give the slightly "floppy" kind of move ment I was looking for. A bit like the Tarman in Return of the Living Dead. But a cartoon. I can see a lot of possibilities in the dynamics.

There are a couple of scripts in there that actually do create 3D layers with 3D objects from scratch within Moho. So I imagine theres the potential for a tool that would allow you to build fairly simple actual 3D objects in Moho. Anything complex is better handled by an outside program, but that might be handy.


Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:52 pm
by razorx
ok...awesome! Thanks you guys.

Now one more question, when moving a 3d camera, I can easily nove it up, down, left, right, but is there a way of moving it foward and backward without entering the number coordinates in keyboard

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:36 am
by kdiddy13
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:56 am Posted By: Lost Marble Post subject:
If you hold down the Alt key while using the Track Camera tool (the leftmost camera tool), you can move the camera forward and back.

Take a look at the text the the bottom of the main editing window. It gives you some hints about modifier keys for the active tool.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:44 am
by razorx

I am loving this program more and more with every reply I'm getting in this thread so far!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:49 pm
by kdiddy13
It's funny, but one of the things I like best about Moho is how helpful (without insulting my intelligence or suspect parentage) the Moho community is. I have yet to see any request or question go unanswered, either by some other eager user or Lost Marble himself.