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Perfect motion blur?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:26 pm
by ponysmasher
I don’t know if you can affect rendering with scripts in Moho, so maybe this should be in Feature Requests?
Anyway, the way I’ve been adding motion blur to my Moho animations is with the Reelsmart Motion Blur plugin for After Effects. It does the job pretty well most of the time, but it’s far from perfect.
After some experimenting and browsing the web I realized that Moho could produce perfect motion blur, although at the expense of rendering time. Allow me to demonstrate.

Here is a standard render of a moving horse in front of a static background:

Here is the same frame with motion blur added using the Reelsmart plugin:
As you can see, the text in the background is blurry when it should’nt be.

This is what it should look like:

Here’s how I made this image. The animation is two seconds long @ 25fps.
I rescaled the keyframes so the animation became 20 times as long.
I rendered it and imported it into After Effects where I used “Time stretch” to get it back to it’s original two second runtime.
I then turned on “Frame blending” in After Effects.

Moho could achieve the same results by calculating/interpolating the movement within every frame and then rendering 10 or 20 images for every frame, which are then put together before starting on the next frame.

I realize the rendering time would also be 10 to 20 times slower, but for me It would be worth it. If you could change the number of images per frame you could use a lower number for scenes where the motion is less fast.