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Knife Party

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:55 pm
by nobudget
I came across an animation on this site, it has political content but I just want you to check out the technique used. Most of it could be done in Moho probably. I think it is quite polished and well done. It's named "What Barry Says".


Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:34 pm
by kdiddy13
Very cool animation. I'll refrain from the political discussion here though.

I'd be surprised if you could get the same 3D toon shader effect as they had on the military vehicles in Moho, but then again, I haven't really tried out Moho's 3d stuff.

The rest of it looks like simple matte animation stuff. I imagine that Moho could do most if not all of the 2d work in the film. Especially the 3D/2D image plane stuff.
Motorcycle Tires

Political Content?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:02 pm
by Yooperville
What political content? Did I miss something? :wink:

Kdiddy13, think you're right about the shading. You could approximate this to some extent.

Nobudget, I have the graphic design sense of a brick, so stuff like this always impresses me. Thanks for posting the link.

I had a hard time taking it seriously though. It reminded me too much of Snakefinger's "The Picture Makers vs. Children of the Sea" from Greener Postures.

Best -- Greg.