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Am I missing something......

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:54 am
by askipd
I have downloaded papagayo but it is not associated with any program. What do I open it with to load the program. I am very (very) new at this.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:32 am
by nassosy
I assume you downloaded the source code version
and you don't have Python and wxPython installed on your system,
which i imagine is a windows pc.

Download Python from here (v2.4 is a good choice):

and wxPython for the Python version above you installed from here:

after you install both (first python, then wxpython)
open a command line window
go to the directory you installed 'papagayo' (with "cd directory")
and type "python"
it should start the program in a few seconds

Since you are new to this, it would be wiser to download the binary version of the program.

BTW you should also check out "PapagayoMOD" a modified version
of papagayo which has alot more features.


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:17 am
by askipd
I downloaded the binary version (the one I would rather use) I guess my question is how do you run the binary version. What program do you associate it with to get it to run?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:13 am
by nassosy
Unrar the contents of the archive to a folder (ex: c:\papagayoMod\)
There you will find a file called "papagayo.exe"
You either double-click on it with your mouse from the explorer window,
or select it and press the 'Enter' key.
Both do the same thing, they start the application.
After a few seconds the PapagayoMOD window should appear.
If nothing happens, check the folder for a file called "papagayo.exe.log"
It is the error log
Open it in the notepad and post its contents in this forum.