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Mac OS X: several copies at once of ASP5 application

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:12 pm
by Rasheed
If you use the Terminal application, you can have several independent copies of Anime Studio Pro open at the same time.

If you have Anime Studio Pro installed at the standard location, type at the Terminal prompt this line:

Code: Select all

cd /applications/Anime\ Studio\ Pro/Anime\ Studio\
And then for every next copy of Anime Studio Pro type:

Code: Select all

open Anime\ Studio
This opens a new Terminal window and a copy of the Anime Studio Pro application.

After you quit Anime Studio, there were will be a Terminal window left open, which you can close once the phrases logout and [process terminated] (or something similar in your native language) have been printed in this Terminal window.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:29 pm
by Manu
And for those amongst you who hate working with command-lines. Simply make a few copies of your Anime Studio folder and name the application itself in each folder differently. Eg. AnimeStudio2, AnimeStudio3...
You now can open every copy of Anime Studio independently and let them batch render their own set of scenes. Great if you've got a multi processor machine.