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Moho 5.0.6 Render on Mac OSX

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:09 am
by Nolan Scott
Sometimes when I do a test-render the render-window doesn't finish.
Luckily I still can save the file, but I have to force-quit Moho to get rid
of the render-window. (a shortcut to quit the unfinished window would be helpful)
Anybody else having this problem ?
Using Moho 5.0.6 on OSX 10.3.6


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:46 am
by dren0chill
u r not alone
i have the same problem like you. the first test render isnĀ“t a problem but after a view one it doesn`t finish rendering anymore - i think it`s the same thing like the slowing down of the whole programm after a while. i have this two problems that are both posted in this forum.
lost marble allready works on this problems but on there macs this problems do not exist - so they are longing for every detailed description of this problems - i didn`t have time to work with moho in the last view weeks so i couldn`t go deep into this problem - as soon as i will be able i will give a detailed problemdescription

dren (working on a G4 powerbook on OSX 10.3.6)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:03 pm
by tim worsfold
Yes, I have the same problem (under OS X 10.2.8). The rest of the program still runs, with the exception of the 'Export animation' menu item. I haven't found a pattern though - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!

MacOS render problems

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:26 pm
by F.M.
I also have similar difficulties. I thougt it was because I was using png images, but I guess the render freezes are more general. (Imac 1ghz 10.3.6)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:28 pm
by Nolan Scott
Yesterday I send Lost Marble one of my .moho-files I had quite a few
render-problems with recently.
Hope this might help to recreate the same on their computers.


Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:58 am
by Nolan Scott
Since version 5.0.7 I did a few dozen test-render without any problems.
Thank you LM for solving this issue so promptly.
