Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

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Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by DK »

I'm looking at buying a traditional FBF animation program.
Has anyone on the forum used Flipbpook?

What do you think of it?
Can anyone reccommend a good trad software animation program?
Specifically looking at auto colouring over multiple frames toolset rather than drawing tools.

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Post by jahnocli »

You could take a look at Toon Boom Studio..
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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Post by Matsuemon »

Hey DK,
I've actually been look into a good FBF program, myself, and am having a heck of a time deciding on Toon Boom Studio or Flipbook. There is some overlap between TBS and ASP, but it seems like TBS has some things that Flipbook doesn't, which might be quite useful. Would be interested to hear some people's opinions.
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Post by aji »

Fipbook is lightweight
around 10 mb only
a trial versioin is available for testing
it is creativity based we need good onscreen drawing skills
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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by dm »

look at Toon Boom Animate {pro}. I found flipbook a little lacking in some things that matter professionally. Such as: number of frames allowed in a project. Resolution. Both are functional, but right at the edge of functional.

Flipbook is nice enough for what it is, but I think Toon Boom is a more professionally adept piece of software.
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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by DK »

Hi dm. I think you replied to a spammer unfortunately. Notice my pasted quote has a new link to some unrelated software placed into it.

On topic, Toonboom is most certainly the way to go for traditional FBF animation for sure. It would be nice if AS ported a few similar tools like fill tools that can work over multiple raster layers.

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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by Ronbo »

I got Flipbook but never really got along with it so I uninstalled it. It seemed a bit buggy on my Mac . . . or at least not very intuitive. I much prefer Toon Boom Animate.
Marc Collin
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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by Marc Collin »

dm wrote:look at Toon Boom Animate {pro}. I found flipbook a little lacking in some things that matter professionally. Such as: number of frames allowed in a project. Resolution. Both are functional, but right at the edge of functional.

Flipbook is nice enough for what it is, but I think Toon Boom is a more professionally adept piece of software.

I am agree with this statement. Flipbook is good and recommended tool.
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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by Joofville »

Download a trial copy of Toon Boom Studio, I've been using it for a month or so now for FBF and I'm enjoying it more and more. There is a steep leaving curve if you're new to FBF.
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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by Scot Solida »

I haven't used Flipbook - I looked at it, but something about their presentation put me off. I tried demos of both Toon Boom Studio and Toon Boom Animate and eventually bought Toon Boom Animate during a holiday sale. It's all subjective of course and thankfully there are demos to see what "clicks" with your own working methods. Toon Boom clicked with me - I was able to dive right in and get to work. The learning curve can be intimidating (I'm still tackling it, in fact), but the brushes and drawing tools feel good to me (I've been drawing and painting for decades), and work well with my Cintiq. Flipbook would probably do as well.

Mind you, I'm just talking about FBF. One thing is very clear to me: cut-out animation and rigging is much, much easier in Anime Studio Pro than it is in Animate (or maybe I'm just not 'getting it' - but it's really complicated in TBA). And you sure get a lot more "pro" features for a lower price with Anime Studio Pro.

Nevertheless, I am patiently awaiting a good sale so I can upgrade from Animate to Animate Pro. Between TBA for frame-by-frame and Anime Studio for everything else, I'm pretty content with the possibilities available to me.
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Re: Does Anyone Use Flipbook?

Post by otonal »

flipbook is very purist oldschool/traditional animation package and i mean that only in the best sense,
listen to don bluth talking about it! its a rock solid programm not overpacked with features.

but be aware:´in FBP there is no morphing or tweening going on nor bones or anything like that-you just draw and draw and draw and that is pixelbased! (not vectorlike even if it gives you very decent smooth lines).
if you do animation in a way that it used to be in studios now on your homecomputer- go for it.
(if you try it first time check this 4 tuts first for avoiding frustration. after that half an hour you will never ever need a manual again for it and you already master the programm)

Do you remeber the pixelbased softwares of Disney Animation Studio or the Hannah Barbera Animation Workshop from the eighties? That is basically what you will find in Flipbook

have you ever heard of the freeware animation programm pencil? Even Flipbook is used by many pros its comparable to that with its list of features still very limited (in a good way) - but Flipbook does it all so right!
(the autocoloring in Flipbook is pure joy for example)

so for toon boom:

you can basically do the same thing as flibook can, oldschool frame by frame(here its vectorbased), keyposes,handdrawn inbetweening and so on but for that in toon boom you have these amazing vector drawing tools with great functionallity at your hand that just feel right! (Great advantage over Flipbook for me in that point)

apart from that in toon boom you can also do motion tweens, and morphtweening(also combined).

you have a bonesystem with ik for rigging rigid cutout parts und you have a second (bone) deformers system(for FK- rigging nonrigid parts) as well with some great functionallity.

but there is some downsides to toonboom.
first the product palette:
you would basically have to go for their pro top product harmony to have all functions at your hand.
the second most top product animate pro from the toon boom family, lacks deformers and some minor things but apart from that is almost identical to harmony.
the cheaper more , "consumer market" product Toon Boom Studio again features deformers ??? but overall is less pro than the other 2 mentoined.
above all all three mentoined are not very compatible to each other if you decide to upgrade to more expensive toon boom product later there is quite some confusion

another great downside for me in toon boom (harmony and animate) is the fact that the bonesystem with ik for rigging rigid parts is unnessecary complicated and almost modular if you really want to use it( as scot mentioned above)
for things a child could rig in anime studio pro in some minutes you must sometimes be kind of an expert or at least quite experienced to achive the same in toon boom.
you will wire alot of modules with kinematic outputs for something anime studio pro will give you with the click of a button.

ALSO the Deformer system for rigging/animating non-rigid body parts DOES NOT FEATURE IK YET!(even in the top product of the Toon Boom Family). And that is something so basic missing.. you do it in Anime for ages by now.

If you come from anime and want to do the same with bones in Toon Boom you will see its much slower, less intuitive and flexible in that sense, especially if you consider smart bones now!
But if you want the most pro allround animation package and are willing to learn your way into it and live with some downsides go for toonboom.

Lastely :
Consider TVPAINT as a serious third alternative for your choice between Flibook or Toon Boom!!!!

Hope this was helpful
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