5b4 on OS X: text tool

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5b4 on OS X: text tool

Post by arglborps »

Just tried to insert text and I ran into a problem. I can't blame you that you don't support typing Japanese text (although it would be really great), but I can't even use my German keyboard layout to type specific German characters (you know: äöü ÄÖÜ and ß).

I can't use the deadkeys in the US keyboard layout to create those characters either (e.g. OPTION+u then type "o" to get "ö"). And even cutting and pasting the text with those characters won't work. Is that the way it is meant to be?

I don't think it should be that difficult to put in support for characters that are at least part of a standard Roman alphabet font. If you could get this working for the final release it would be extremely helpful for all of us who's native language is not English

Plain ASCII really is a pain especially if you want to create typographically correct titles and not use straight quotes and such.
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Post by ktron »

hmmm, if you're really serious about typography, build it in Illustrator and Import it. You'll have way better controls . . .

. . . if you're worried about being able to update text, just be sure to parent the imported text so you can switch it out for the update . . .
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Post by arglborps »

I meant typographically correct titles, in the sense of using curly quotes and real dashes instead of straight quotes and hyphens. In Mac OS all the typographically correct punctuation is a keystroke away, but those keystrokes and anything else beyond ASCII are just ignored.

I really don't feel like having to go back and forth between two applications (especially from Illustrator CS exporting to .ai pre CS involves yet another step) just to update one or the other title. That's counterproductive.